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At this time I also began having horrible nightmares and sleepwalking one of my step sisters got out of bed one night while I was sleepingwalking and pushed me down the stairs. I never saw anything at night because I was hiding under my blankets. My nightmares consisted of me being disembowled by my family members being chased and raped by a man with piercing blue eyes and being told to kill myself. You must remember that this started when I was only 6 years old, how many 6-12 year olds do you know are suicidal?
The nightmares, voices, and sleepwalking went on for two more years, then my stepmother took her two kids and moved in with her mother 100 miles away. It was just me and my dad alone in the house and things got worse My dad started getting angery over little things, he got into a fist fight with our next door neighbor because the music they listened to in their garage was too loud. He also started hearing voices at night as well but he heard children’schildren's voices in the middle of the night, and wihile I was at school.
One night while I was taking a bath the light to the bathroom turned off leaving me in the dark. I used to splash and play in the water, so I would close the shower door to prevent water from getting on the floor. Frozen in fear, afraid to open the door and get out to turn the light back on, I sat in the warm water in silence hoping it was just my dad playing a joke on me.
Just when I had gained enough courage to slowly open the shower door, I realized that it was not my dad who turned off the light I could see the light from the hallway shining under the closed bathroom door hoping I was wrong, I called out to my dad saying “daddy"daddy? Was that…”that..." I was silenced by two simulations sensations first the bath water went from warm to freezing and I heard a rough inhuman voice say my name from the other side of the bathroom, not a wisper, it was loud like a dog growling and speaking at the same time.
I scrambled out of the tub and slipped on the floor as I threw myself toward the light switch, I clicked it twice but it would not work, I tried to open the bathroom door but my hands were too wet and sippery. Just as i grabbed the door nob firmly with both hands the voice said my name again this time in my left ear it was so full of anger and hate, it scared the daylights out of me but the fear gave me enough stregnth to twist the door nob hard and open the door. The dark room was filled with the light from the hallway. I stood there in the doorway naked, wet and cold and too afraid to turn around or even move forward.
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I then felt heat on my back like the feeling of body heat it was so sudden that it peopelled me forward and I ran ino my bedroom closing the door behind me as I ran past, I dove into my bed and threw the covers over my head and hid there until my dad came looking for me. He asked me what I was doing and why I left the bathroom light on and the tub full of water while I hid, too afraid to come out because now the tone of his voice told me I was in trouble. I told him what had happen and for the first time he did not believe me. He found my pjs and angrily thew them on the bed and told me that for lieing and wasting electricity I had to go to bed early and without dinner. I pulled the covers off my head and pleaded with him to believe me as he truned off my light and slammed the door. I got dressed by the light of my nightlight in tears and cried myself to sleep. He had already left for work when my alarm clock woke me up the following morning.
Two weeks later things came to a head in this house. We were moving becase our house was being forclosed on and my dad was just waiting to move me to my aunt’saunt's house in Orange County, until I finished school.
I went to a year-round school and was on C track all the other kids in my neighborhood were on A and B track, which meant that while I was in school they were on vacation, so two months out of the year I had to walk to and from school alone. (I was in the third grade at this time) One hot summer day, while I was walking home from school, I had rounded the corner of my houing track finding the entire street empty. Either at work or on vacation, it seemed as though the street was void of all signs of life.
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As I walked along I began to get the feeling I was being followed I stopped walking and turned slightly to look over my shoulder. About twenty feet behind me I saw a man. He was wearing whitish sneekers, blue jeans, bleached white t-shirt, and a gold chain with a strange symbol around his neck. It was not his clothing that bothered me it was his face or rather his smile and those eyes! He was toe-head blonde, clean shaven, with large piercing blue eyes and a smile that was to wide to be human.
I turned around and picked up my pace, occasionally looking behind me. Though I could not hear his footsteps, every time I looked he was getting closer still smiling that evil smile, with those crystal blue eyes I had seen every night in my dreams for the past two years telling me to kill myself. When I reached the front yard of the house next to mine, I stopped, closed my eyes, and in my head cried out “God"God, help me”me".
A voice from across the street called out to me “are"are you okay, baby girl!?" I opened my eyes and first looked behind me, the man was gone! There were no cars in any of the driveways and the street was void of all cars so there was no where he could have hidden. I heard the voice again, “Mandy"Mandy? Are you okay?" I looked across the street, my neighbor, Jennifer, was looking at me from an upstairs window, a concerned look on her face. I yelled to her that I was okay and jogged to my front door to find a note my dad had left for me telling me he had taken some things to a storage facility so I decided to go across the street.
They were the only black family in neighborhood, though the only name I remember out of the entire family was the mother, Jennifer, I do remember how kind they all were. The father/husband was a truck driver, mom was a nurse, and they had three kids the youngest, a son, was a year or two older than me. I would often spend time at their home after school. Anyway, I went across the street and was greeted warmly by the eldest daughter, who was home from college for the summer. I made my way to the second floor of the house and found Jennifer putting away laundry. She did not mention what had happened, so I decided to ask what made her call out to me, not telling her what I had seen for fear of being seen as crazy. She told me she was at the other end of the house and heard me scream out her name.
About a month later we moved out and I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle. I thought that things would stop but they did not, they got worse. For the first few months nothing happened, then one night I awoke from a horrible nightmare to find a dark figure sitting at the end of my bed watching me, the only thing I could make out in the black were blue eyes. Then while frozen in fear, the figure began to smile his white teeth, like his eyes, illuminated by the rear porch light outside my bedroom window, and he began speaking to me as a voice in my head. “You"You will never be rid of me, you are MINE, and I will, never leave you!" He put his hand on my leg and I jerked it away thowing the covers over my head I tried to pray but my words were drowned out by his sadistic laughter in my head. I stayed under the covers wide awake until my aunt came in to wake me up for school.
The nightmares came back and I began to see him every night no longer restricted to my dreams he would move around my room every night. Once again I was forced to sweat out the nights under my covers. During this time I had attempted suicide on a number of occasions, cutting my inner thigh with my aunts shaving razor, overdosing on advil and cough syrup I even tried to hang myself only to have the string I was using break, a small child doesn’tdoesn't have the intelligence level to successfully kill ones self. And my demonic companion only seem to relish in my attempts and failures.
About a month before I finished the fifth grade, I was awaked by the feeling of someone stroking my hair. I opened my eyes to find the demon looking down at me he grabbed my throat and sweezed truning my attemed scream into a mouse like squeak. He leaned over keeping me in place using his body weight and as I gasped for air he pressed his open mouth to mine, his voice again in my head, repeating itself over and over again, “you"you are MINE, you are MINE, you are MINE!!" That was the last night i saw him outside of my dreams, I felt him in me everyday as I became more and more angry and violent, he would come to me in my dreams and tell me how my family had abandond me and no one loved me but him, he would violate my body, mind, and soal with his cruelty and violence, all the while saying “you"you are MINE, I love you, I will never leave you!"
At the end of the school year I was hoping to return to my family who were now living in a new home in a new city, but instead I was sent to live with family friend who had just won the lottery, I thought my demonic companion was right, my family did not love or want me, and I finally stopped fighting him giving in to his evil, and through me he began to do horrible things, forcing me to watch from outside of my body.
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The family I was sent to live with were strong Catholics and good kind people, the woman was the primary focus of the demons abuse both verbal and physical, I would leave her with massive amount of bruising and cuts from fits of rage all the while she would hold me tight and tell me how much she and her husband loved me, another suicide attempt would follow these fits but she or her husband would intervene. Time seemed to mush together so I cant tell you exactly when it happened but I had not been in their home very long when my demonic companion had had enough.
It was the middle of the night and I awoke in my bedroom closet I had been having the worst nightmares of my entire life, being torn apart, stabbed, raped, eating my own entrails and faeces torturing and killing the people who had been kind to me, Jennifer, my aunt and uncle, and the people I was now living with. The woman I was living with was in the closet as well, holding me and her husband kneeling above me with his bible in one hand and his other on my head. A warm feeling of calm and real love that I would not feel again until many years latter at the birth of my son, started at the crown of my head moving down my entire body to the tips of my toes. For the first time in five years I felt at peace. Years later when I went back to visit them I mustard up enough courage to ask them what had happened that night this is what they told me, forever it will be burned in my mind…mind...
“I"I heard you screaming and speaking in languages you could not possibly understand, there was another voice in there with you a mans voice, I told ___(im not going to give thier names on a public site) to grab his bible when we opened your bedroom door and turned on the light you were sitting on you knees in the middle of the bed your eyes had rolled over white and you mouth was open though your lips weren’tweren't moving you were speaking to someone in your closet. The room was freezing and smelled like sulfer. You turned you head towards us and a mans voice came out of your mouth and shouted SHE IS MINE!! Then, as if as if a rope was tied aroud your waist you jerked toward the closet. ___ and I raced into the room holding you in the closest and praying over you. We both agree you were sent to our home to save not only your life but mine, you see, sugar, for the longest time I had lost my faith, because of you, crisis of faith over!"
Now I’mI'm not going to tell you that that was it I, instantly stopped seeing the creature that tormented me for five years like we see in horror movies, because it took another 15 years before I stopped seeing him in my dreams. Lately I’veI've began to feel something sit on my bed at night when I am alone, and gently touch my feet and ankles. My son has been complaining lately about something walking around his room at night and my husband and I have been fighting over the dumbest things as well.
I am writing this on my bed tonight. My son is in bed for the night and my husband is watching TV in the living room. There is someone sitting on my bed right now. Watching me. Touching my leg.

Latest revision as of 07:00, 30 August 2023

Notice to the reader: I know that many stories on this site are well written works of fiction. This is not one of those stories, this really happened to me over a five year period. It would have continued if not for the woman who saved my life.

When I was in the first grade my family moved to Colton California. This was back when the city of Colton was safe to raise kids. The home we moved in was the standard California cookie-cutter track home. We lived at the end of a L shaped street. (Our house was at the top of the L and the exit of the housing track was at the bottom) As a small child I was afraid of the dark as I am sure many others were at 6 to 12 years of age. I would hide under my covers until I was either drenched in sweat or fast asleep.

The reason for this were the voices or rather wispers that filled my room every night, they sounded like men and women speaking in languages I could not completely understand, I knew they were talking about me because the only word I could understand was my name occasionally being mentioned during their conversations.

I tried to tell my parents but my father, though he believed me, there was nothing he could do so he would pray with me before bed and had me sleep with my bible under my pillow. My stepmother however called me a liar, she was a very abusive woman both verbal and physical only to me her own children to her could do no wrong, overall she was cruel and uncaring, and told me to just go to bed.

At this time I also began having horrible nightmares and sleepwalking one of my step sisters got out of bed one night while I was sleepingwalking and pushed me down the stairs. I never saw anything at night because I was hiding under my blankets. My nightmares consisted of me being disembowled by my family members being chased and raped by a man with piercing blue eyes and being told to kill myself. You must remember that this started when I was only 6 years old, how many 6-12 year olds do you know are suicidal?

The nightmares, voices, and sleepwalking went on for two more years, then my stepmother took her two kids and moved in with her mother 100 miles away. It was just me and my dad alone in the house and things got worse My dad started getting angery over little things, he got into a fist fight with our next door neighbor because the music they listened to in their garage was too loud. He also started hearing voices at night as well but he heard children's voices in the middle of the night, and wihile I was at school.

One night while I was taking a bath the light to the bathroom turned off leaving me in the dark. I used to splash and play in the water, so I would close the shower door to prevent water from getting on the floor. Frozen in fear, afraid to open the door and get out to turn the light back on, I sat in the warm water in silence hoping it was just my dad playing a joke on me.

Just when I had gained enough courage to slowly open the shower door, I realized that it was not my dad who turned off the light I could see the light from the hallway shining under the closed bathroom door hoping I was wrong, I called out to my dad saying "daddy? Was that..." I was silenced by two simulations sensations first the bath water went from warm to freezing and I heard a rough inhuman voice say my name from the other side of the bathroom, not a wisper, it was loud like a dog growling and speaking at the same time.

I scrambled out of the tub and slipped on the floor as I threw myself toward the light switch, I clicked it twice but it would not work, I tried to open the bathroom door but my hands were too wet and sippery. Just as i grabbed the door nob firmly with both hands the voice said my name again this time in my left ear it was so full of anger and hate, it scared the daylights out of me but the fear gave me enough stregnth to twist the door nob hard and open the door. The dark room was filled with the light from the hallway. I stood there in the doorway naked, wet and cold and too afraid to turn around or even move forward.

I then felt heat on my back like the feeling of body heat it was so sudden that it peopelled me forward and I ran ino my bedroom closing the door behind me as I ran past, I dove into my bed and threw the covers over my head and hid there until my dad came looking for me. He asked me what I was doing and why I left the bathroom light on and the tub full of water while I hid, too afraid to come out because now the tone of his voice told me I was in trouble. I told him what had happen and for the first time he did not believe me. He found my pjs and angrily thew them on the bed and told me that for lieing and wasting electricity I had to go to bed early and without dinner. I pulled the covers off my head and pleaded with him to believe me as he truned off my light and slammed the door. I got dressed by the light of my nightlight in tears and cried myself to sleep. He had already left for work when my alarm clock woke me up the following morning.

Two weeks later things came to a head in this house. We were moving becase our house was being forclosed on and my dad was just waiting to move me to my aunt's house in Orange County, until I finished school.

I went to a year-round school and was on C track all the other kids in my neighborhood were on A and B track, which meant that while I was in school they were on vacation, so two months out of the year I had to walk to and from school alone. (I was in the third grade at this time) One hot summer day, while I was walking home from school, I had rounded the corner of my houing track finding the entire street empty. Either at work or on vacation, it seemed as though the street was void of all signs of life.

As I walked along I began to get the feeling I was being followed I stopped walking and turned slightly to look over my shoulder. About twenty feet behind me I saw a man. He was wearing whitish sneekers, blue jeans, bleached white t-shirt, and a gold chain with a strange symbol around his neck. It was not his clothing that bothered me it was his face or rather his smile and those eyes! He was toe-head blonde, clean shaven, with large piercing blue eyes and a smile that was to wide to be human.

I turned around and picked up my pace, occasionally looking behind me. Though I could not hear his footsteps, every time I looked he was getting closer still smiling that evil smile, with those crystal blue eyes I had seen every night in my dreams for the past two years telling me to kill myself. When I reached the front yard of the house next to mine, I stopped, closed my eyes, and in my head cried out "God, help me".

A voice from across the street called out to me "are you okay, baby girl!?" I opened my eyes and first looked behind me, the man was gone! There were no cars in any of the driveways and the street was void of all cars so there was no where he could have hidden. I heard the voice again, "Mandy? Are you okay?" I looked across the street, my neighbor, Jennifer, was looking at me from an upstairs window, a concerned look on her face. I yelled to her that I was okay and jogged to my front door to find a note my dad had left for me telling me he had taken some things to a storage facility so I decided to go across the street.

They were the only black family in neighborhood, though the only name I remember out of the entire family was the mother, Jennifer, I do remember how kind they all were. The father/husband was a truck driver, mom was a nurse, and they had three kids the youngest, a son, was a year or two older than me. I would often spend time at their home after school. Anyway, I went across the street and was greeted warmly by the eldest daughter, who was home from college for the summer. I made my way to the second floor of the house and found Jennifer putting away laundry. She did not mention what had happened, so I decided to ask what made her call out to me, not telling her what I had seen for fear of being seen as crazy. She told me she was at the other end of the house and heard me scream out her name.

About a month later we moved out and I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle. I thought that things would stop but they did not, they got worse. For the first few months nothing happened, then one night I awoke from a horrible nightmare to find a dark figure sitting at the end of my bed watching me, the only thing I could make out in the black were blue eyes. Then while frozen in fear, the figure began to smile his white teeth, like his eyes, illuminated by the rear porch light outside my bedroom window, and he began speaking to me as a voice in my head. "You will never be rid of me, you are MINE, and I will, never leave you!" He put his hand on my leg and I jerked it away thowing the covers over my head I tried to pray but my words were drowned out by his sadistic laughter in my head. I stayed under the covers wide awake until my aunt came in to wake me up for school.

The nightmares came back and I began to see him every night no longer restricted to my dreams he would move around my room every night. Once again I was forced to sweat out the nights under my covers. During this time I had attempted suicide on a number of occasions, cutting my inner thigh with my aunts shaving razor, overdosing on advil and cough syrup I even tried to hang myself only to have the string I was using break, a small child doesn't have the intelligence level to successfully kill ones self. And my demonic companion only seem to relish in my attempts and failures.

About a month before I finished the fifth grade, I was awaked by the feeling of someone stroking my hair. I opened my eyes to find the demon looking down at me he grabbed my throat and sweezed truning my attemed scream into a mouse like squeak. He leaned over keeping me in place using his body weight and as I gasped for air he pressed his open mouth to mine, his voice again in my head, repeating itself over and over again, "you are MINE, you are MINE, you are MINE!!" That was the last night i saw him outside of my dreams, I felt him in me everyday as I became more and more angry and violent, he would come to me in my dreams and tell me how my family had abandond me and no one loved me but him, he would violate my body, mind, and soal with his cruelty and violence, all the while saying "you are MINE, I love you, I will never leave you!"

At the end of the school year I was hoping to return to my family who were now living in a new home in a new city, but instead I was sent to live with family friend who had just won the lottery, I thought my demonic companion was right, my family did not love or want me, and I finally stopped fighting him giving in to his evil, and through me he began to do horrible things, forcing me to watch from outside of my body.

The family I was sent to live with were strong Catholics and good kind people, the woman was the primary focus of the demons abuse both verbal and physical, I would leave her with massive amount of bruising and cuts from fits of rage all the while she would hold me tight and tell me how much she and her husband loved me, another suicide attempt would follow these fits but she or her husband would intervene. Time seemed to mush together so I cant tell you exactly when it happened but I had not been in their home very long when my demonic companion had had enough.

It was the middle of the night and I awoke in my bedroom closet I had been having the worst nightmares of my entire life, being torn apart, stabbed, raped, eating my own entrails and faeces torturing and killing the people who had been kind to me, Jennifer, my aunt and uncle, and the people I was now living with. The woman I was living with was in the closet as well, holding me and her husband kneeling above me with his bible in one hand and his other on my head. A warm feeling of calm and real love that I would not feel again until many years latter at the birth of my son, started at the crown of my head moving down my entire body to the tips of my toes. For the first time in five years I felt at peace. Years later when I went back to visit them I mustard up enough courage to ask them what had happened that night this is what they told me, forever it will be burned in my mind...

"I heard you screaming and speaking in languages you could not possibly understand, there was another voice in there with you a mans voice, I told ___(im not going to give thier names on a public site) to grab his bible when we opened your bedroom door and turned on the light you were sitting on you knees in the middle of the bed your eyes had rolled over white and you mouth was open though your lips weren't moving you were speaking to someone in your closet. The room was freezing and smelled like sulfer. You turned you head towards us and a mans voice came out of your mouth and shouted SHE IS MINE!! Then, as if as if a rope was tied aroud your waist you jerked toward the closet. ___ and I raced into the room holding you in the closest and praying over you. We both agree you were sent to our home to save not only your life but mine, you see, sugar, for the longest time I had lost my faith, because of you, crisis of faith over!"

Now I'm not going to tell you that that was it I, instantly stopped seeing the creature that tormented me for five years like we see in horror movies, because it took another 15 years before I stopped seeing him in my dreams. Lately I've began to feel something sit on my bed at night when I am alone, and gently touch my feet and ankles. My son has been complaining lately about something walking around his room at night and my husband and I have been fighting over the dumbest things as well.

I am writing this on my bed tonight. My son is in bed for the night and my husband is watching TV in the living room. There is someone sitting on my bed right now. Watching me. Touching my leg.

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