Disc Creatures - The Pokemon Rip-Off: Difference between revisions

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m (There was a white bar and I didn't know why.)
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Chapter 1. Discovery
So I was dusting my bookshelf of rip-off games, when I found a game I didn't remember buying. It was called "Disc Creatures". On the front cover was some kind of Walrus with a spike on its head next to a child with messy hair, a white hoodie, black pants, slip-on shoes and a grey beanie. This immediately peaked my interest and I took it out the bookshelf.
Chapter 2. The beginning cutscene
I opened up the case to see a disk with that same walrus on it. I put it in my pc and looked at the file. "Disc.EXE". I thought about certain scary story and laughed to myself as I clicked on the file. It booted up to graphics similar to that of the Gameboy. I watched the intro cutscene. "Immersive Gaming inc." I was curious and quickly searched it up not finding much. "Must've gone bankrupt..." I thought. Then, a picture of the ocean appeared. Then, it quickly looked down upon two disks being thrown onto a field, and two creatures jump out, one looking like ashes floating around a ball producing a black gas and the other looking like a blue rhino. The blue rhino started bouncing around before attacking the ball, which proceeds to dodge it and then, it shows the ball forming a hand, then proceeding to wack the poor creature, but it cuts to the title screen right before the hand connects. The title screen shows the trainer from the box art holding a disk, which falls to the ground, causing the one horned walrus to appear. I hit Enter and got sent to a menu. 3 options appeared: New Game, Continue, Options. I went to options to see, but a dialogue box popped up. "Why wait longer for fun?" I was baffled. Why have the option in the menu when you couldn't even do anything? I clicked "Continue". Another text box appears. "Y'know, other's versions of fun can be different. Why ya gotta check?" At this point, I was just pissed. They added useless options, or at least they were useless to me I guess. Anyways, I pressed "New Game". The game froze for a second before showing that there was no intro or anything. I was just thrown into the game. The trainer sprite was new, but I noticed a sprite behind mine. It was just an edited version of Pokemon Red and Blue's surf sprite. When I checked my surroundings, I was in a room that looked very similar to Red's.
[[File:The Trainer ID.png|left|thumb|400px|The trainer ID]]
Chapter 3. The game
I was trying to figure out the controls. I pressed the right arrow key and I moved. I pressed enter and the menu opened. I pressed X and it closed. I opened the menu again and hovered the cursor over "ID". I pressed Z and I found my ID. The same child was there. It was also when I found out his name was "Tommy". He had an ID of 1, 0 badges, 0:00 playtime and the "Discs" part had nothing in it, yet I found the Walrus below. There were 2 other slots. The Walrus's name was "Wallrus". I have to admit it looked a little cute. I moved my character towards the stairs. It was the same as the downstairs room in Pokemon Red and Blue, but without mom. A little weird but ok. I left what I assumed was my house and headed to my rivals house... Or what would've been his house if there was a rival. I found Blue's sister, but it wasn't her. She gave me the town map. I checked it and it was literally just Kanto but with a huge part missing. I frowned at this discovery, yet just played on. I went through the game and suddenly, I saw an exclamation mark above an NPC's head. They walked up to me and a dialogue box popped up. "You're on your journey? Wow! Please take this as a present." "Tommy got BRIHNO!". I was confused and checked my ID again. It showed that blue Rhino from the start but smaller and cuter. I decided to continue. My team already had an extra member. Suddenly, I came across another trainer. This time, they asked for a battle. They threw a Disk, and a Seagull named "Earlygamebird.PKMN". It was literally a stock image of a Seagull but made for a Gameboy. Wallrus was sent out and it fucking annihilated it with a move called "Chomp". That's not a joke, either. The sprite exploded and shards of it flew everywhere. I was dying of laughter. I couldn't even breathe. for a solid 20 seconds. When I started to stop laughing, I was back in the overworld, but that trainer was gone, with shards of that trainer scattered everywhere. I ended up laughing again. Finally, I was back. I continued. I checked out "Green City" which was just Viridian City. I checked the gym and to my surprise, it was open. I did the same challenge that you do in Kanto but instead of a big fight at the end, I just collected a badge. A text box appeared. "You got: GREEN BADGE! 1/4 Badges." I didn't think much because like I said, big portion of map went bye bye. I made my way through Green Forest and entered "Grey Town", which was just Pewter City. The gym there had an actual puzzle where I had to time my presses and get the ball into a hoop. It was fun, but easy. I got the badge. "You got: GREY BADGE! 2/4 Badges." I went through the route that would lead to Cerulean City, but there was no cave or anything. Just a straight walk with a few trainers who'd immediately get annihilated. Soon, we made it to Blue City. The gym challenge here was a timing minigame where I had to press the right button to swim faster, and soon, I got the next badge. "You got: BLUE BADGE! 3/4 Badges. Just one more badge." I was a little bored, so I saved. However, I felt reluctant to press the X or turn off my PC or even minimize the game. I decided to mute my game, and slide into bed and take a nap, but all I could ever think about was the game until I fell asleep, but that didn't save me from the game as I had a dream of being in the game, running. I remember seeing the silloutte of a blob with a horn and flippers and red dots where the eyes would be trailing right behind me. At the end, I crashed into a wall and woke up. I had to get back. I turned the volume back up and got back to going to the last gym, which was in Vermilion City, or in this game, Red City. On the way, I got "Ashy", which was that ghost in the intro cutscene. I got to Red City and I entered the gym and it was the same gym puzzle. It took a while to complete, but the last badge was mine. "You got them all! 4/4 badges." Go back to Wood Town to go collect your prize! I was confused until I found out it was Pallet Town. After a long walk back, I made it. Suddenly, my character started walking on his own into his house, up the stairs and up a new set of stairs. He entered a dark room as what I assumed to be Wallrus stood next to him. They both turned to face the camera and a dialogue box popped up, "Come join our world of fun!"
[[File:Our world of fun..png|thumbleft|400px]]
The menu popped up and the cursor hovered over the ID button. I decided to press it. The Playtime was bugged, ID remained 1, Badges were at 4, but strangest of all were Tommy's sprite and the Discs. The other two disc slots were completely bugged out with text covering them saying "HE CANNOT BE REPLACED". Wallrus's sprite had wider open eyes which had grey pupils and were secreting a darker liquid, and Tommy's sprite's skin was pitch black and a big, white smile with white eyes that almost matched the mouth if it wasn't for the liquid secreting out of them. I wasn't disturbed for some reason.
[[File:The Trainer ID in the void.png|thumbleft|400px]]
Suddenly, a text box popped up. "You are the one." Suddenly, I had the urge to get a knife and shove it in the plug socket next to my pc's plug. I started to go get a knife, when I heard a knock at the door... Shit. I forgot to pay my rent. I heard a voice in my head saying, "We LOVE friends!". I grabbed a kitchen knife, hid it behind my back and opened the door. It was my landlord. "You haven't paid your rent!" He said, but I heard the voice speak again, "C'mon, make your move!" So I pulled my landlord in and stabbed him in the throat. Suddenly, I realized what I just did and realized I needed to get away, but then, I remembered. I pulled the knife out and shoved it into the plug socket and then touched the blade. I suffered a horribly agonizing shock as I screamed in pain. Wanting it all to be over, I stabbed myself in the throat, dying almost instantly.
Chapter 4. The aftermath
I woke up in a void, but quickly saw my apartment from my PC's perspective. I looked at my hands, shaking. Only, they had Gameboy graphics. I started to panic as I saw Wallrus standing next to me. I froze in terror as I heard the sound of someone getting up. My corpse was moving. It took the knife out its throat and walked to my PC and said, "Thank you. Now fun can be spread every where..." He took the disk out and I could no longer see outside. Sometimes, I see Wallrus floating out this void, only to return later on, with blood on his horn. I used to be a big fan of finding rip-off games and playing them. I had 56 games in my bookshelf, but this one specific game was very different... That was what happened.
I woke up in a void, but quickly saw my apartment from my PC's perspective. I looked at my hands, shaking. Only, they had Gameboy graphics. I started to panic as I saw Wallrus standing next to me. I froze in terror as I heard the sound of someone getting up. My corpse was moving. It took the knife out its throat and walked to my PC and said, "Thank you. Now fun can be spread every where..." He took the disk out and I could no longer see outside. Sometimes, I see Wallrus floating out this void, only to return later on, with blood on his horn. I used to be a big fan of finding rip-off games and playing them. I had 56 games in my bookshelf, but this one specific game was very different... That was what happened.
{{Comments}} [[Category:Trollpasta]] [[Category:Suicide]] [[Category:Dreams]] [[Category:MOTHER OF FUCK THIS PAGE IS LONG LIKE MY PAINIS]] [[Category:SUPR SKAREY IMAG]] [[Category:Satire]] [[Category:Pokemon]] [[Category:Pages with grammar that doesn't suck]]
[[Category:Pages with grammar that doesn't suck]]