I've always been a big fan of "Kirby's Dream Land 3" and "Kirby Super Star"-actually a big fan of Kirby in general. I used to play Nintendo games on a PC while I was younger because I just wasn't aware that there where new 3D games. My favorites where the Kirby games. So when I finally got a PC for myself at about 10 years old, I couldn't wait to download a Kirby game (Piracy is enormous in my country).

The image that flashed on my screen.

I wasn't able to download Kirby Super Star, so instead I downloaded Kirby's Dream Land 3. I was so happy that after over 3 years I would play this game again. I loaded the game and it started smoothly and I began the first level, it was normal nothing too new to me so I continued playing until I reached the first companion selection room, the choices where Rick the hamster and Coo the owl. There was a text box on the top of the screen that said, "Make your choice".

I had never seen this text box before and it seemed odd, I had the boomerang power and chose Rick as usual.

Coo started crying after I left him out but this time he seemed very sad and cried in a very saddening way.

I left the room and got hit a couple times and lost my power. I wasn't used to the new controls and couldn't get it back so I took another one which Coo was better with, so I went back to take him instead. But when I entered the room Coo wasn't there and the text box now said:

"You have made your choice no turning back!"

(This happened in every room of this type.). It seemed quite odd but I thought this was something new and maybe the game was modified and continued the gameplay.

I reached a point where the flowers appeared I stomped on one by accident and it exploded into leaves and a strange yellow liquid. After messing a bit with the game controls I was able to summon Gooey and played with him for a while and that's when I noticed that when enemies are going to be eaten by Kirby or Gooey they make a quiet beep - like a scream or death shout.

At one moment I got tired of Gooey eating and then spitting out all the enemies with special powers, so I just ate him and then a loud screech was heard from my speakers. I was quite scared but tried to not think about it and continued playing without summoning Gooey.

As I reached Wispy Woods and defeated him the warp star didn't appear but the game froze and the screen flashed and an image of Gooey with blood dripping down his eyes and a third eye. I was quite horrified but the more horrifying thing was the next screen - Whispy was defeated and from his branches where hanged all the helping animals I had left in the rooms. A text box appeared that said:

"Why, why didn't you help us? You left us in the cold hands of the dark as well as all the others. We shall be avenged!"

There was a cut scene - Kirby started trembling and his mouth opened, from inside came Gooey. It crawled out using its tongue and it had bloody tears. It screeched and a text box appeared saying:

"Your time is up Kirby! Your curse will now be lifted from Dream Land. I am the one chosen to avenge Dream Land. I am Dream Land's avenger!"

At that point I restarted the PC. The computer started and it immediately went to the game. I freaked out of the image that was shown on screen- it was Kirby, hanged from the sealing. Gooey was on the floor crying over a dead Waddle Doo. And the text said:

"nIce TRy gAme OVEr"

I tried contacting the site I downloaded the game from but there was a closing message saying:

"Please delete all downloaded content for the safety of stopping outbreaks!"

Written by BoianV