Eastur Egg: Snowz own Mount Silverz: Difference between revisions

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"That thang will bust a cap up in yo' gamez azz, you know, fuk faze." I yeld at hiz azz. 
Dude never had was horny bout me preachin ta his ass bout ‘abusin'abusin pixels.' I shut mah grill afta dat yo, but it had put his ass off from playin wit mah dirty ass. I guess dat shiznit was just one time too nuff or something; I oughta know ta keep mah thoughts ta mah dirty ass, straight-up…
Dat shiznit was a cold-ass lil couple minutes later dat it happened. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I was up on tha porch, fapin to some pokemawn 34 when i neded a levl 1,000 fukasaur. I figurd mia ghey azz brotha had one, cause he haks adn haz 69 levl 9001 dachshunds.
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"I can't turn back now, can i fuk faze?"
That was… unsettling. I went tha fuck into mah Pokémon n' tried ta use Pidgeot's ‘Fap'Fap' ability.
"I can't fap up in this biatch!" obviously referrin ta tha snow.
‘Fuck'Fuck this,' I thought, goin tha fuck into his bag. There was a escape rope. I tried rockin dat shit.
"I can't go back no mo, ya stubid fuk'."
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Da sprite was mangled; piecez of it was missing. What was left was splotched wit a sickish blue-grey color, n' its eye was a solid black pit. I flipped down ta Meganium- same deal, a leg missing, a cold-ass lil chunk of its neck, most of its head, save dat pitch-black, dead eye.
Morbid curiositizzle urged mah crazy ass onward, n' tha path never deviated from tha straight upward road I'd traveled tha entire time fo' realz. Along tha way, every last muthafuckin now n' then, another jam Pokémon would ‘die'die' n' examination of its sprite would show dat shiznit was up in tha same condizzle as tha others. Until all dat was left was Typhlosion. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. One mo' stair case was up ahead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I climbed it, braced fo' whatever horror awaited mah dirty ass.
I hit tha summit.