Game of Thrones: Lost Season

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Like you all, I used to love Game of thrones, in fact I was obsessed. I posted on twitter all day about the show, and my family mocked me as a Game of Thrones freak. But I truly loved the show, and would love to sit down and watch every past episode in preparation and hype for when a new season came. But then, something changed. That thing was called Season 8. Suddenly, all at once, the love and hype the fans had had for the show changed instantly into hatred and spite. I was so dismayed to watch as my favorite characters were betrayed and the spirit was lost, as well a plot twist which make no sense and stupid writing generally, and being too rushed. When the last episode was over, I cried ... Not at emotion at the show being over, but out of betrayal and disgust at what it had fallen to. After that, I could never re-watch the show, knowing there was no reason and it would end in a pointless and nonsensical method.

But after a long time, I forgot all about the show, and moved on with my life, accepting that it had just been another terrible show. But then something happened which changed the way I thought about the Season 8 all together. Due to living in Croatia, I live near where the seasons of Game and Thrones were filmed, and often we had seen them filming there all the way up to the final season. However there was no longer any filming. However, one day I was walking on the beach, and something came upon me. It was a feeling to look to the sea, and I spotted something glinting there, which I went and I picked up. It was just below the city walls that where the city and they had filmed the game of thrones in the medieval city there. So it was an important location. But what I found shocked me, the thing that had washed up on the beach was a DVD, and it said


On the cover. I frowned in confusion, not realizing what I held in my hands, because the letters made no sense, even with my skills of English which were limited at the time, the label had been rubbed off and disturbed by the strength of the sea, leaving only certain letters of the original message behind. But I couldn't figure out what the original message had said.

But still I through it was a worth it was to be a look. And so I took it home. I took the DVD to my TV and put it into the tray, and it began to play, when suddenly I heard that old familiar music which I knew so well. I got goose pumps as the orchestral soundtrack played, and I realized that what the DVD was, as the disturbed label had said - GAME OF THRONES SEASON EIGHT. Even though it had been terrible, I still couldn't help but love that I had found this, and I grinned and waited until the menu arrived.

The menu arrived, which was on an old medieval style scroll and written in old English sounding words. But there was something strange. Instead of saying what a TV show DVD usually said, such as choose episode, or play all episodes, there was only two options, that said - BEGIN THE CARNAGE and a second option that said SPECIAL FEATURES. I frowned, and selected the option that said begin the carnage.

The traditional opening played, just as classically it always had, except this was strange, the map of Westeros that plays out in the opening was different, as if all the locations of the scream was bestroyed and bogeyed. Then the episode started, and it started just like the first episode had started in real life, with the dragons flying overhead as the troops all walked into winterfell. But Arya was watching and she looked at the dragons and she shook her head, looking angry in this time. Suddenly it was inside winterfell, and it was Jamie arriving in Winterfell, and he went inside and greeting everyone, but then there was something different, Instax of waiting for him in a courtyard, Bran was looking out of that toward he had fallen out of in season one, looking down to Jamie. Jamie came up in the tower and looked at Bran. Bran wheeled his wheelchair around and grinned, which made him seem maleficent.

"It's over for you James, I know you're pretending to be a good guy but not for long. I'm gonna tell every fucking one what you did, then Sansa will execute you."

Jamie looked sad and angry, but Bran only laughed at him.

"I'm sorry Bran. I hoped you could forgive me but it seems not. Nobody can know what I did."

"What?! What the fuck are you doing - ah - no - let go of me - ahhhhhhhh."

I watched in horror as Jamie sprinted over to Bran and grabbed him and threw him out of the wheelchair and through the destroyed gap in the wall of the tower, falling downwards. As he was embellished there was no way he could resist. He fell to the ground, and this time it was fatal, landing on his head which exploded in blood like a watermelon. Still I told myself, it's only special effects, nobody was really killed.

Then the rest of the season played out the same for a little while, except everyone was sad and

missing Bran, who they remarked on being gone and dead.

Then there was a new scene, which I hadn't seen before. It happened during episode 2 where nothing happened except people preparing for the battle. Danny was alone in her chamber, and Sarah came in.

"My Queen. I know you're with Jon now, but I just came to say I can't bear to be without you. I fucking love you and we should be married, not you and that young punk. I've always supported you bitch, how dare you friend-zone me!"

"Sarah what the fuck! I thought I told you that I wasn't into you, period!"

But Sarah didn't listen, instead he was looking madly out the window, but flames were reacting into his eyes in a madly burning passion.

"If I can't have you, nobody can!" He cursed, and suddenly pulled out a dagger, and stabbed Deanery's in the chest, and blood poured out. He began to cry as she fell to the floor dead, and he clutched her body in tears. "I always fucking loved you Danny."

Suddenly the camera panned up to show Jon standing in the doorway, a look of shock on his face.

"My Queen!" He screamed in rage, and pulled out his sword, and slashed, striking Sarah and his face was slashed to bits.

"At least I die beside her." He murmured with his last breath. Jon slashed away again and his head came off and fell to the ground, decapitated.

Suddenly, it cut to outside the castle and the dragons, which had and emotional bond with Danny, their spiritual mother, and they were aware she was dead, they screamed off huge bouts of fire, which struck, damaging the castle wall before flying off into the night.

Then came the start of episode 3 and the battle. Except as Bran was dead, they had no bait to lure in the Night King. Jon said they would just have to try and hold out. And they prepared their defenses, which had been damaged by the dragons going crazy.

The battle began, and the Toothier rode out like they had before, with Mel lighting their blades of fire, and just like in the real show they were all put out one by one as the attack was destroyed. Except this time, Sarah was dead already and none of the Dothraki rode back, they had all been destroyed. And there were no dragons to attack and strike the army with fire from above, because they had flown off, never to be seen again. Jon could only watch as the army attacked the outer defenses, and struck inwards. Everyone on the outer defenses were killed, including Melinda, Grey Worm and the little fighter girl, all killed in incredibly brutal manners.

Suddenly, inside the crypts, something stirred. All the people in the crypts came in terror as the dead corpses began to come alive, slaughtering people. Sansa and Tyrion ran for the steps, sprinting upwards, but they found a solid wooden door and it was locked. They banged on it desperately trying to break free, but it was no use, and the zombies caught them, and the screen cut to back as they screamed in terror and pain.

On the other side of the door, Arya stood smirking, looking at the bolts that had kept them trapped, implying it was her that had locked them. She turned, and grinned to a hidden figure in an alcove.

"It is done, my lord."

"Excellent. The prophecy is complete." Came a voice from the shadows, a voice that I had thought there would be no way could return this season. From the shadows stepped the figure, and the light came across the skeletal rotten face of a resurrected Little Figure, his eyes glowing blue. His face changed and mutated, and became the face of the night king. "Now to tie up the loose ends bitch."

Suddenly, he struck out with his sword, killing Arya before she had a seance to complain by swiping off her head. Suddenly his ice dragon flew down and landed in the compound. He gave an evil laughed, then flew off.

The scene then changed to a montage of the characters being overwhelmed by the zombie armies, and each brutally killed. All the characters who were at Winterfall were brutally killed, including Jeremy who's head was bitten off, Samuels Tardy who got stabbed with a knife and The_on and the Hound and Gendry who the Night King evaporated with a blast of icy fire from the ice dragon. He flew away from the castle towards the moon, laughing in a maniacal manner. The rest of the episode was just a blank screen and the sounds of the wind blowing....

Wow what a shocking alternate version, I thought, this was much braver and more creatively interesting then the version we got in real life, I though. I pressed the button to start the next episode, episode 4. It started with Cersei on the balcony, and then Qyburn came in.

"My Queen, weave just had word, all your enemies were destroyed at Winterfell, you're now the only queen in the land."

"Excellent. Send my congratulations to the Night King, but I think he'll find the Lannister armies a little harder to defeat."

"No need for that babe." Suddenly there came another voice, that sounded like Little Finger's voice mixed with the voice of the Night King. A figure came out of the shadows, grinning. It was little finger, but half his face was twisted so it looked like that of the Night King and he wore the ice armor of the Night King, giving away his true identity. He walked over to Cersei, and made out with her in a long lingering make out.

"See bitch, I knew you would betray me, so I took some precautions. Isn't that right Qyburn ... Or should I say Jacqen?"

Suddenly Qyburn changed his face and melted and became Jacqen Harger, the face changing assassin. Cersei looked shocked, but she couldn't escape the arms of Little Finger, and his face changed too, becoming Rhaeger Targaryn.

"that's right bitch, I didn't die at the Trident, I escaped to Essos and became a faceless man then took over the life of Little Finger and infiltrated the Kingdom to make sure they were too weak to resist the armies of the White Walkers, who took me as their leader because I had royal blood."

"You bastard!" Cersei screamed, but it was too late. Due to the cold of the ice armor, she froze to death. When she was frozen solid, Raga let her go, and pushed backwards. She fell off the balcony and crashed to the street below where she smashed into pieces like a broken statue smashing into infamy.

"It's done. I finally have my revenge."

"But there's one thing you never knew." Rhaegar span around, and saw Varys appearing on the balcony, smirking. "It was something my little birds told me."

"Speak then bitch!"

"It's Jon fucking Snow ... He wasn't a bastard, he was your son. You killed your own fucking son."

"What the fuck nooo." Tears appeared in his eyes, and rheager broke down and fell to his knees in grief and guilt. "There's only one thing for me. One punishment."

Rhaeger rose the ice glove to his face, and pressed it in, the ice instantly spreading and freezing his head solid, which Varys kicked and it separated from the body and shattered like a crystal breaking like the breaking of a heart.

"Now it's just you and me old man." Jacqen grinned evilly over toVarys.

"That's right ... my son." Varys grinned back to him. "It was worth it all those years to pretend I had no cock to protect your identity. No we can rule westeros together."

"That's right Dad."

Suddenly another character stepped on to the balcony, a huge one. It was the zombie mountain. He was grinning evilly.

"You too little bitches and all your complicated plans to rule the world ... you just forgot one thing ... that I can warg." Varys and Jacqen gasped as they realized this meant the the Ghost of Bran was in control of the mountains body. "And you just took out all my rivals for me."

He sprinted over to Varys and Jacqen, and slammed their heads together, killing them both instantly.

"Wahoo. I am the last survivor." He laughed as he tossed the bodies easily over the balcony edge with his murderous strength. "I have ultimate power, I'm the king, and the best part is I have an undependable physical body as well. Truly I am unstoppable. Now my rule is just about to begin."

He looked straight at the camera and grinned, and finally the credits rolled. I gasped in shock at that great and shocking twist filled ending, massively superior to what had happened in the alternate version. Why would they ever show that terrible version when this much better version existed, and I was the only one to have seen it. I navigated onto the menu again and selected the menu item and navigated down to the menu item below, titled 'SPECIAL FEATURES' and I pressed it and selected it, and this began. It seemed to be some kind of documentary.

The documentary began with a montage of all the gruseumo deaths in the show. They'd all looked so real, but I kept reminding myself they were just special effects. After the last death, suddenly the screen changed. It now showed something shocking. A poster. A missing person poster for one of the actors, suddenly another appeared for a different actor, until missing person posters for all the actors plastered the screen. Suddenly the disregarded, and it was Barns face, laughing grueling straight into the camera. Faded over the top was a headline from the New York Times that said "Game of Thrones is the Best Fantasy TV show ever made." As I watched, the word fantasy changed, warping until it said 'reality'.

I lurched over and threw up onto the tiles, which were already wet with my piss. I came to the terrible conclusion - that all the events of game of thrones had been real, they had looked like special effects but real people had died. But the terror ride wasn't over yet. On the screen, Bran whispered.

"Winter is coming."

I screamed, and sprinted out from the room. That's when I am writing this. I knew had to write this down, to get my story out, because the truth is I don't know if I'll survive much longer. The demon told me that Winter was Coming ... And the air is getting colder all around me.

Credited to Zane Maverik Creepypasta Productions 

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