Getting Rid of an Evil, Scary N64 Cartridge: Difference between revisions

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I arrived to find my parents hanging out near the portable bathrooms, which smelled awful.
“Did you find bugs, hunnyhoney?” My mom asked sweetly.
“No,” I said flatly. “I’ll have to try later.”
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That evening at dinner, my mom suddenly got a big smile on her face before taking a bite of mashed potato on her fork.
“Oh, hunnyhoney, you’re not going to believe this!”
She ran out of the room for a few seconds and CAME BACK WITH THE CARTRIDGE! Dang it!
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“Well, how about you put it on later and find out?” She asked. “Don’t be wasteful.”
Later on, I took it back to my room. My parents wanted to see it turn on, so I figured I’d leave it on for only a short time. I plugged the old Nintendo 64 into the wall and connected it to our TV in the living room. I grabbed my parents and turned the game on. A howling noise came from the game and a Nintendo logo came in and out in a staticystaticky way. Then, the start screen appeared with a eyeless Link staring right at us.
“Oh, a horror game!” My dad said cheerfulycheerfully.
I groaned, and watched the evil Link glitch out repeatedly with the happy mask salesman's laughter occasionally joining in.