
Revision as of 14:24, 17 June 2021 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (→‎top: replaced: <comments /> → {{Comments}})

I would start this story off with a good note, but with what happened, I don't think that'll happen. I was on Skype, talking to a friend about games that I could download and play.

"Hey dude, you know any old games that I can download online?"

"What the fuck, who the hell are you"

"I noticed that I have, like, no games to play at all. Kinda wanna play some games I haven't played before. YOu know where I can download them?"

"I don't even know you, who the fuck is this"

"I mean, even though I play a lot of games on consoles, I kind of wanna play a game on the PC. Doin' something new, y'know?"

"Okay motherfucker, if I give you this link to some Duck Hunt game or some shit like that, will you leave me the fuck alone?"

"Duck Hunt game? Oh boy! Yeah, give me the link now!"

"Alright, here. I hope that game haunts the shit out of you with some unexplained paranormal ability"

He gave me the link and I downloaded it. The file on my computer said "Haunted.exe". I thought it was some joke and I ignorantly played it anyway. The title screen for the game was very strange. The title was all red with hyper-realistic blood dripping off of it. I thought it was some bizarre glitch and I started the game. The background was black and the grass was grey. The ducks that flew out of the grass looked mutilated and terrified. They were flapping their wings quickly while looking down, like they were trying to get away from something. I tried to shoot them down, but they were too quick. I finally shot one and it exploded. I was fucking scared, man. Couldn't motherfucking believe it. Holy fucking shit, this motherfucking insane. Oh, my fucking god, Jesus Christ, holy fuck, motherfucking fuck fuck... the dog wasn't there. That was one of the best things of the game, I mean, why would they leave out the dog?! That's the motherfucking icon of the game and they fucking left him out? BULLSHIT

The game crashed with such a loud noise that it made me fart myself. That is weird... I.. I never fart to loud noises... I might as well call back my friend on Skype and question him about the game.

"Dude, while I was playing the game, the strangest thing happened to me..."

"Motherfucker how did you get my skype number in the first place"

"The game... scared the fuck out of me.. it's like it's haunting me with an unexplained paranormal ability..."

"called it"

"I'm gonna need your help investigating this. Could have proof that there might be a heaven and hell."

"do it by yourself motherfucker, i don't even fucking know you, why won't you go fuck some motherfucking pigs you motherfucking pig fucker"

"I guess I'll investigate myself, then."

"suck a dick"

I opened up the game again, and the title's redness got darker, and there were screaming, and hyper-realistic looking duck hearts falling all over the place. This turned my goddamn stomach. Why the hell would they put cashews in noodles. Oh, right, I'm writing a trollpasta, *ahem*. I farted again because I couldn't take the sound of meat slamming on a solid surface. The game said "PRESS THE START BUTTON, STEVEN" It knows my name is Steven... HOW THE HELL DID IT KNOW MY NAME IS STEVEN? IT'S NOT LIKE IT LOOKED THROUGH MY COMPUTER AND IT FOUND MY NAME, NO NO, THAT MAKES SENSE... SO HOW THE FUCK DOES IT KNOW MY NAME IS STEVEN? At this point, I farted again because I can't handle getting freaked out. But I ended up shitting myself. But in a scary situation like this, I guess it doesn't matter. When I started the game, I saw that the whole field was on fire. The ducks flying out were getting roasted. All of this wouldn't have happened if I didn't give them my mixtape. The score counter said 666, and every duck that I kill, the score would not raise and the duck counter would not change. Unfortunately, the dog was there. And he looked exactly like my dog. The same one that died when I was 8. Because my dad shot him... he said that he had to be put down...

The dog held up the roasted duck, but didn't laugh. And he didn't go down in the field. I was staring at him for a solid minute. Then, I aimed the gun at it's head...

...and pushed the key.

The game crashed. And my computer broke. I wasn't able to talk to my friend on Skype, who claimed that he didn't know me. Everyday when I go to school, everyone avoids me. Every time I go to sleep, I always hear dogs howling and barking outside. Every time I go to sleep....

...I wake up into the real world and realized that I was a dog all throughout my life. A dog who had the weirdest fucking dream a dog could ever dream.

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