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[[File:Detail from a Study of a Dragon Costume.jpg|thumbright|300px]]
Halloween was one of the few nights of
the year when you could wear a furry
costume and get away with it, but it was
still a bit of a risk. You've been chased by
the neighborhood dogs and inebriated
hooligans for wearing a fox head mask
and tail two years in a row, so you have
vowed that your next trick-or-treating
outing would be a good one.
Halloween was one of the few nights of the year when you could wear a furry costume and get away with it, but it was still a bit of a risk. You've been chased by the neighborhood dogs and inebriated hooligans for wearing a fox head mask and tail two years in a row, so you have vowed that your next trick-or-treating outing would be a good one.
As you prepar for Halloween night,
you sift through various costume ideas, trying
to decide what will make you stand out
from the crowd. After much consideration,
you settle on a unique and intricate
dragon costume. It's made of green and
gold scales that shimmer in the moonlight,
and it even has realistic wings, glowing
red eyes that light up at the push of a
button, as well as smoke efects.
As you prepare for Halloween night, you sift through various costume ideas, trying to decide what will make you stand out from the crowd. After much consideration, you settle on a unique and intricate dragon costume. It's made of green and gold scales that shimmer in the moonlight, and it even has realistic wings, glowing red eyes that light up at the push of a button, as well as smoke effects.
As you put on your dragon costume on, you set out
to explore the town and see what kind of
adventure await. As you walk(more like
a shuffle, actually) down the street, you
notice that people are staring at you in
amazement. Some even stop to take
pictures of incredible costume.
As you put on your dragon costume on, you set out to explore the town and see what kind of adventure await. As you walk (more like a shuffle, actually) down the street, you notice that people are staring at you in amazement. Some even stop to take pictures of incredible costume.
As you continue to walk, you catch the eye
of a group of children who are out trick-or-
treating. They approach you cautiously,
but their eyes light up with wonder as they
take in the sight of your dragon costume.
As you continue to walk, you catch the eye of a group of children who are out trick-or-treating. They approach you cautiously, but their eyes light up with wonder as they take in the sight of your dragon costume.
One of the children, a little girl with curly
blonde hair and bright blue eyes, steps
forward and asks if you're a real dragon.
You play along, nodding your head and
letting out a low growl that rumbles in your
chest, followed shortly by several smoke
rings. The girl's eyes widen with
excitement, and the other children start to
giggle and whisper excitedly amongst
One of the children, a little girl with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes, steps forward and asks if you're a real dragon. You play along, nodding your head and letting out a low growl that rumbles in your chest, followed shortly by several smoke rings. The girl's eyes widen with excitement, and the other children start to giggle and whisper excitedly amongst themselves.
As you walk further down the street, you
hear a commotion in the distance.
Curious, you make your way towards the
noise. As you turn the corner, you see a
group of teenagers who are trying to
scare passerby with their own costumes.
One of them, dressed as a zombie, spots
you and starts to stumble towards you,
arms outstretched.
As you walk further down the street, you hear a commotion in the distance. Curious, you make your way towards the noise. As you turn the corner, you see a group of teenagers who are trying to scare passerby with their own costumes. One of them, dressed as a zombie, spots you and starts to stumble towards you, arms outstretched.
You narrow your glowing red eyes and
take a step back, unsure of the teenager's
intentions. But before you can react, the
zombie trips and falls, letting out a loud
groan. The other teenagers start to laugh
and tease him, and you realize that
they're just trying to have some harmless
Halloween fun.
You narrow your glowing red eyes and take a step back, unsure of the teenager's intentions. But before you can react, the zombie trips and falls, letting out a loud groan. The other teenagers start to laugh and tease him, and you realize that they're just trying to have some harmless Halloween fun.
You continue your adventure, feeling
invigorated by the attention and sense of
power that come with your dragon
costume. As you approach a dark
alleyway, you hear a strange noise coming
from within. You stop in your tracks,
unsure of what to do. Suddenly, a large,
shadowy figure jumps out at you, causing
you to jump back in fear.
You continue your adventure, feeling invigorated by the attention and sense of power that come with your dragon costume. As you approach a dark alleyway, you hear a strange noise coming from within. You stop in your tracks, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, a large, shadowy figure jumps out at you, causing you to jump back in fear.
The figure is dressed in a dark cloak and
hood, obscuring their face. You notice that
they're holding something in their hand,
but you can't quite make out what it is in
the dim light. The figure steps closer to
you, and you can feel your heart racing in
your chest. You consider running away,
but the fear keeps you rooted to the spot.
The figure is dressed in a dark cloak and hood, obscuring their face. You notice that they're holding something in their hand, but you can't quite make out what it is in the dim light. The figure steps closer to you, and you can feel your heart racing in your chest. You consider running away, but the fear keeps you rooted to the spot.
As the figure approaches, you can see
that they're holding a small box. They hold
it out to you and speak in a low, gravelly
voice. "Take this, young dragon. It will aid
you in your quest." You hesitate for a
moment, unsure of what to do.
As the figure approaches, you can see that they're holding a small box. They hold it out to you and speak in a low, gravelly voice. "Take this, young dragon. It will aid you in your quest." You hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do.
The figure continues to hold out the box,
and you can feel a strange energy coming
from it. You reach out and take the box,
feeling a jolt of electricity pass through
your body as you do. The figure nods, then
disappears back into the alleyway. You
look down at the box in your hand,
wondering what kind of magic it holds.
The figure continues to hold out the box, and you can feel a strange energy coming from it. You reach out and take the box, feeling a jolt of electricity pass through your body as you do. The figure nods, then disappears back into the alleyway. You look down at the box in your hand, wondering what kind of magic it holds.
You examine the box, noticing that it's
made of some sort of dark metal and has
strange symbols etched into the surface.
As you turn it over in your hands, you
notice that there is a latch on the side that
you can open. You hesitate for a moment,
wondering if it's safe to open the box.
You examine the box, noticing that it's made of some sort of dark metal and has strange symbols etched into the surface. As you turn it over in your hands, you notice that there is a latch on the side that you can open. You hesitate for a moment, wondering if it's safe to open the box.
You take a deep breath and decide to
open the box. With a click, the latch
release, and you carefully lift the lid.
Inside, you see a small, glowing crystal. It
pulses with a soft blue light, casting
shadows on the walls around you. As you
reach out to touch it, you can feel a
warmth spreading through your hand.
You take a deep breath and decide to open the box. With a click, the latch release, and you carefully lift the lid. Inside, you see a small, glowing crystal. It pulses with a soft blue light, casting shadows on the walls around you. As you reach out to touch it, you can feel a warmth spreading through your hand.
The crystal seems to be alive with energy,
and you can't help but feel drawn to it. As
you hold it in your hand, you feel a
connection to the magic within. Suddenly,
the crystal glows brighter, and you hear a
voice whispering in your ear.
The crystal seems to be alive with energy, and you can't help but feel drawn to it. As you hold it in your hand, you feel a connection to the magic within. Suddenly, the crystal glows brighter, and you hear a voice whispering in your ear.
"Congratulations, your dragon. You have
unlocked a portion of your true power.
With this crystal, you can harness the
power of the elements and control them to
aid you on your quest. But be warned: with
great power comes great responsibility.
Use it wisely, and never forget the true
meaning of Halloween."
"Congratulations, your dragon. You have unlocked a portion of your true power. With this crystal, you can harness the power of the elements and control them to aid you on your quest. But be warned: with great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely, and never forget the true meaning of Halloween."
You look around, but there's no sign of the
mysterious figure. You turn your attention
back to the crystal, feeling a sense of
excitement and wonder. You close the box
and tuck it under your arm before
continuing on your adventure through the
town. As you walk, you can feel the magic
within the crystal pulsing with energy.
You look around, but there's no sign of the mysterious figure. You turn your attention back to the crystal, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder. You close the box and tuck it under your arm before continuing on your adventure through the town. As you walk, you can feel the magic within the crystal pulsing with energy.
You decide to test out the crystal's power,
and you focus your mind on summoning a
gust of wind. You close your eyes and
visualize the winds picking up around you,
blowing leaves and debris through the air.
Suddenly, you feel a rush of energy, and a
gust of wind blows past you, swirling
through the street.
You decide to test out the crystal's power, and you focus your mind on summoning a gust of wind. You close your eyes and visualize the winds picking up around you, blowing leaves and debris through the air. Suddenly, you feel a rush of energy, and a gust of wind blows past you, swirling through the street.
The people around you grasp in surprise as
the wind picks up, sending their costumes
and hair flying. You feel a sense of
satisfaction and pride as you realize the
extent of your newfound power. But then
you notice that the wind is picking up
speed, becoming stronger and more
chaotic. You try to control it, but it seems
to have a mind of its own.
The people around you grasp in surprise as the wind picks up, sending their costumes and hair flying. You feel a sense of satisfaction and pride as you realize the extent of your newfound power. But then you notice that the wind is picking up speed, becoming stronger and more chaotic. You try to control it, but it seems to have a mind of its own.
The wind starts to pick up objects from
the street, sending them hurtling through
the air. You hear screams of panic from
the people around you, and you start to
feel overwhelmed. You quickly realize that
you need to regain control of the wind
before someone gets hurt. You focus your
mind on calming the wind, visualizing it
slowing down and becoming more
peaceful. And that's when you notice
something else--you are actually flying.
The wind starts to pick up objects from the street, sending them hurtling through the air. You hear screams of panic from the people around you, and you start to feel overwhelmed. You quickly realize that you need to regain control of the wind before someone gets hurt. You focus your mind on calming the wind, visualizing it slowing down and becoming more peaceful. And that's when you notice something else--you are actually flying.
{{by-user|Mmpratt99 deviantart}}
[[Category:Not Sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious]]
[[Category:Pages with grammar that doesn't suck]]
Written by Mmpratt99 deviantart
[[Category:Not Sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious]]

Latest revision as of 05:01, 31 October 2023

Halloween was one of the few nights of the year when you could wear a furry costume and get away with it, but it was still a bit of a risk. You've been chased by the neighborhood dogs and inebriated hooligans for wearing a fox head mask and tail two years in a row, so you have vowed that your next trick-or-treating outing would be a good one.

As you prepare for Halloween night, you sift through various costume ideas, trying to decide what will make you stand out from the crowd. After much consideration, you settle on a unique and intricate dragon costume. It's made of green and gold scales that shimmer in the moonlight, and it even has realistic wings, glowing red eyes that light up at the push of a button, as well as smoke effects.

As you put on your dragon costume on, you set out to explore the town and see what kind of adventure await. As you walk (more like a shuffle, actually) down the street, you notice that people are staring at you in amazement. Some even stop to take pictures of incredible costume.

As you continue to walk, you catch the eye of a group of children who are out trick-or-treating. They approach you cautiously, but their eyes light up with wonder as they take in the sight of your dragon costume.

One of the children, a little girl with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes, steps forward and asks if you're a real dragon. You play along, nodding your head and letting out a low growl that rumbles in your chest, followed shortly by several smoke rings. The girl's eyes widen with excitement, and the other children start to giggle and whisper excitedly amongst themselves.

As you walk further down the street, you hear a commotion in the distance. Curious, you make your way towards the noise. As you turn the corner, you see a group of teenagers who are trying to scare passerby with their own costumes. One of them, dressed as a zombie, spots you and starts to stumble towards you, arms outstretched.

You narrow your glowing red eyes and take a step back, unsure of the teenager's intentions. But before you can react, the zombie trips and falls, letting out a loud groan. The other teenagers start to laugh and tease him, and you realize that they're just trying to have some harmless Halloween fun.

You continue your adventure, feeling invigorated by the attention and sense of power that come with your dragon costume. As you approach a dark alleyway, you hear a strange noise coming from within. You stop in your tracks, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, a large, shadowy figure jumps out at you, causing you to jump back in fear.

The figure is dressed in a dark cloak and hood, obscuring their face. You notice that they're holding something in their hand, but you can't quite make out what it is in the dim light. The figure steps closer to you, and you can feel your heart racing in your chest. You consider running away, but the fear keeps you rooted to the spot.

As the figure approaches, you can see that they're holding a small box. They hold it out to you and speak in a low, gravelly voice. "Take this, young dragon. It will aid you in your quest." You hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do.

The figure continues to hold out the box, and you can feel a strange energy coming from it. You reach out and take the box, feeling a jolt of electricity pass through your body as you do. The figure nods, then disappears back into the alleyway. You look down at the box in your hand, wondering what kind of magic it holds.

You examine the box, noticing that it's made of some sort of dark metal and has strange symbols etched into the surface. As you turn it over in your hands, you notice that there is a latch on the side that you can open. You hesitate for a moment, wondering if it's safe to open the box.

You take a deep breath and decide to open the box. With a click, the latch release, and you carefully lift the lid. Inside, you see a small, glowing crystal. It pulses with a soft blue light, casting shadows on the walls around you. As you reach out to touch it, you can feel a warmth spreading through your hand.

The crystal seems to be alive with energy, and you can't help but feel drawn to it. As you hold it in your hand, you feel a connection to the magic within. Suddenly, the crystal glows brighter, and you hear a voice whispering in your ear.

"Congratulations, your dragon. You have unlocked a portion of your true power. With this crystal, you can harness the power of the elements and control them to aid you on your quest. But be warned: with great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely, and never forget the true meaning of Halloween."

You look around, but there's no sign of the mysterious figure. You turn your attention back to the crystal, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder. You close the box and tuck it under your arm before continuing on your adventure through the town. As you walk, you can feel the magic within the crystal pulsing with energy.

You decide to test out the crystal's power, and you focus your mind on summoning a gust of wind. You close your eyes and visualize the winds picking up around you, blowing leaves and debris through the air. Suddenly, you feel a rush of energy, and a gust of wind blows past you, swirling through the street.

The people around you grasp in surprise as the wind picks up, sending their costumes and hair flying. You feel a sense of satisfaction and pride as you realize the extent of your newfound power. But then you notice that the wind is picking up speed, becoming stronger and more chaotic. You try to control it, but it seems to have a mind of its own.

The wind starts to pick up objects from the street, sending them hurtling through the air. You hear screams of panic from the people around you, and you start to feel overwhelmed. You quickly realize that you need to regain control of the wind before someone gets hurt. You focus your mind on calming the wind, visualizing it slowing down and becoming more peaceful. And that's when you notice something else--you are actually flying.

Written by Mmpratt99 deviantart
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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