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Life. It all seems simple. Nothing but deluded fantasies that meets the eye. It’s been years since I last saw... '''HER'''. I am a rehabilitated man who paid his dues for the pain he caused
humanity in which seems "Mediocre”Mediocre" at best. Nowadays, the world is
running the way it wants to... Everyone loves to be in bliss and
fantasy, that doesn’t exist. What does exist is a world of pain, horror,
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Why? I try to comfort her, she kicked me in the stomach and said that I’d gone insane.
"What are you talking about, Oh Lady Love? I’m still sane. I just want to give you a nice little kiss, that’s all."
I walk up to her, she is cornered. Then next thing you know, crimson blood splashes out from her neck like a never-ending river of
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was slowly dying. Her last words were somehow unpleasant, her last words were,
"It hurts..." My eyes widened hearing such familiar words! I don’t want to go back there. No! Never!
The next day, I went into town; looking for something to cure my
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mellow and calming. My mind was taking it’s course to happiness.
Then, one song consisted of these words: "Go.... Back..." My eyes
<nowiki> </nowiki>widened to hear those words again! I made haste into a nearby restroom
and started to block those memories from ever coming back. No more
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I wanted to comfort him, so I walk to the man. He then screamed,
"No! Stay back! Stay away from me!" Then next thing you know, his
<nowiki> </nowiki>head was off. Literally, his head was ripped out! It was beautiful, the crimson blood smeared all over the walls like the morning dew~ His intestines popping out like children popping out of a hide-and-seek game, and his screams were so exquisite that it made my heart in bliss evermore!
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her, so I walked up to her. The child was scared, she began to cry. I asked what was wrong? She answered,
"I am sad..." My heart wretched with unending pain hearing those words! My mind began to lose itself!
"Why ''are'' you sad?" I asked.
She began whimpering even more as she thought I was mocking her.
"Well, why? WHY!?" She began to cry even more as she tries to run from me, only for I to reappear in front of her. She fell on her back, I then grabbed her by her neck and gripped it tightly.
"Why ARE you sad? Why ARE you afraid of me? Is it because YOUR world is falling apart!? Who cares about your worthless little world? It’s false! It’s nothing but fucking lies made by us, worthless human beings! No one will ever give two shits about you or me! They will always live in their fucking bliss, while I alone will forever suffer the dark grasp of reality! It hurts! It hurts like fucking hell! I don’t care anymore..."
As I pierce through her stomach with my two hands, she splits like a worthless piece of garbage that she is. I couldn’t take it anymore, my world is dead... All dead before my eyes! As I clutched my head so hard, my laugh of painful joy and endless despair echoed throughout the whole forest. Just then, '''SHE''' appeared before me. The Goddess I’ve loved before~! As she gently holds my hand, I was finally done playing this little game of false desires and said: "Let’s end this false reality together... My Goddess..."
[[Category:Well, that was anticlimactic.]]