How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Shrek: Difference between revisions

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We retrieved a CS:GO Case Key from Bowies Box of Best B8 M8 and escaped before the Illumointaughty turned on us.
Before we escaped though we accidently tripped the aitomatic self-deshrekt sequence. To escape before we all got SHREKT I let out a powerful fart from my left Kneecap. We rocketed out of there just in time as the building collapsed into rubble. Me, James Woods, and the disembodied voice proceeded to skip away. Dontt ask me how a disembodied voice can skip either, the fuck if i know.
''Work in progress, more coming soon...''[[Category:ENGLISH, MUDDAFUGGA! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!]][[Category:David Bowie]][[Category:Shrek]][[Category:Faze]][[Category:WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT]][[Category:Benjamin]][[Category:James Woods]][[Category:Sanic]][[Category:Gaben]]
== Part 3: Return of Sonic.exe ==
We began our long trek to our destination. On the way we found a McDaniels and decided to get a bite to eat. We sat at literally the shittiest table and waited to be served. It turned out to be a trap though as the waiter wss actually Sonic.exe in disguise! I had to think quickly so I threw James Woods at Sonic.exe then began to mercilessly beat both of them. Me and Sonic.exe flew through the roof into the air. I donkey punched him 69 times and he gave me a titty twister. I bit of his ear and he tore out my appendix, I pissed in his eyes and he gave me a colonic irrigation. After much fighting I gain the upper hand, doing a quadruple back flip and kicking him into a cage full of wild, ravenous, Nicholas Cages. They ate him and of course broke out because YOU CANT CAGE THE CAGE. The whole time for some reason the disembodied voice had been dressed up like a sexy cheerleader and was dancing for us. I was quite disgusted by this but took peace in knowing that at least somebody appreciated my fighting skills. Sonic.exe wasn't done though, one of the cages had pooped out his right ear and frim there he regenerated like Cell from Dragon Ball Z. I was too weakened from the last fight so I tagged James Woods in. James, you put up a good fight, but in the immortal words of Sonic: "You were too slow!" James Woods threw 1.47474874 million punches, half of which actually hit, 5.4387 of which actually hurt Sonic.exe. James Woods was pummled by Sonic.exe's penetration (teehee) attack. Luckily he gave me just enough time to charge up my signature attack. The Mondo Super Holy Shit SHREKT Laser of Love and Life, which would completely obliterate that overused croopypoosta character. I fired it at Sonic.exe and it destroyed him completely.James Woods, beaten and battered, had joined the disembodied voice in a skimpy cheerleaders outfit. Disgraceful
''Work== inPart progress,4: The moreCave comingof soon...''Mutahar[[Category:ENGLISH, MUDDAFUGGA! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!]][[Category:David Bowie]][[Category:Shrek]][[Category:Faze]][[Category:WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT]][[Category:Benjamin]][[Category:James Woods]][[Category:Sanic]][[Category:Gaben]] ==
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