Jiminy... I never reckoned to be figurin' I'd be fixin' to have this happen. Hell, I'd be one to suppose nobody would. Well, I better get started, time is money. I work at a steel mill in north-southern Rhode Island. Life is simple, people over pennies, life is simple. My boss, Mr. Budahause, is an ornery old bat. He sits in his office overlooking the work floor like an old guy in a sweatshop. His greasy comb-over accents his pox marks; the uni-brow ties it all together. "GET OFF YER ASS AND START MAKIN' STEEL!" His words shot out of the loudspeakers like a potato out of a potato gun. I look up at his office then back to the vat of molten metal that lay before me. They say a man who doesn't shine his shoes will never shine. I just want to shine... I now realize theres only one way to shine forever...




"Put him out with the recyclables..."

Credited to BillJohnStevenson 

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