Just Beyond the Forest's Gaze

Revision as of 12:36, 3 September 2023 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. Lately I've been seeing and hearing strange things that I can't quite explain. It’s nothing too major just a few unsettling things. It started about a month ago, May 18 I believe, I looked outside into the forest behind my house and saw a shadow as if it belonged to something that crossed the sun except nothing was there to cast it. At first I brushed it off as my imagination, after all, I had been listening to Mr. Cr...")
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I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. Lately I've been seeing and hearing strange things that I can't quite explain. It’s nothing too major just a few unsettling things.

It started about a month ago, May 18 I believe, I looked outside into the forest behind my house and saw a shadow as if it belonged to something that crossed the sun except nothing was there to cast it. At first I brushed it off as my imagination, after all, I had been listening to Mr. Creepypasta on YouTube a lot recently, as well as watching Marble Hornets, so I was bound to be jumpy. So I decided to put off of the scares for a week and see if I calmed down enough to stop imagining falsehoods.

However, 8 days passed and something else strange happened. It was dark, around 10pm at the time, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a bright light. At first I thought it was a firefly or something, however a few seconds passed and the light didn't diminish like a firefly's light does.

So, naturally being curious, I got out of my seat and started my way towards the window as if I had startled it. As soon as I came close to the window, the light disappeared, vanished without a trace. Again, I shrugged it off. Maybe it was one of the neighbors. Occasionally my fellow adolescent males would hide out in the woods with flashlights that would've had the same effect I felt.

That's when things got a bit stranger.

It wasn't more than 3 days when, once again sitting in my chair in what I consider to be my own personal living room, that I heard a noise. A loud, static kind of noise, that I could only think could come from my laptop. However before I could check it out, the noise went away again. I had gone upstairs and asked my grandmother, whom I live with, if she had heard the noise too. Unfortunately, she hadn't.

The noise sounded like it came from outside, not my laptop; however nothing in the heavily forested backyard of mine could possibly make that sound.

Nothing happened for a while after that, which unsettled me because, well, as I said earlier, I do listen to Creepy Pasta on YouTube. Silence only came right before something bad happens. I wish I was wrong.

Yesterday I heard the noise again, this time my laptop wasn't even in my room; it was coming from somewhere else, somewhere just outside, something in the woods.

After about 30 seconds of waiting for it to go away I heard the screech of one of my cats in the backyard. When I went outside to investigate, I found one of my cats, Snowball, dead. It looked like he was hit by a car, bones crushed. It was a horrible sight.

I don't know what could have done this, aside from maybe the neighbors just wanted to mess with me, but I didn't see anyone, and it was broad daylight outside. All I know is that I saw a shadow, a light, heard static, and my cat died. I am posting this on CreepyPasta wiki because I don't know who else might believe me, or at the very least find my story interesting.

If anyone can tell me what has been doing this, it would be much appreciated. I'm going to post anything else strange that happens on here in hopes that it will help with the classification, I think I'd feel better just knowing that it is that messing with me.

Credited to Legionofacre
Originally uploaded on June 4, 2012

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