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I'm hoping that you are reading this, you of the human mind that can see only the world in front of it and not the existence that dwells in the corner of your own feeble life. You are curious about him aren't you? Keep reading and you will understand him better, wouldn't you want to know the story of your creation?

Yesterday Friday Dec. 21st is the day the world ended and yet no one knew. To think that this all started over a video game seems impossible, no according to him it was always meant to be this way it just took the form easiest for me to process in my human form. I'm getting ahead of myself I seem to do that a lot recently but let me start at the beginning.

I recently installed Project 64 on my PC and decided to play a classic game that I have personally never played before or even thought about playing before hearing about that haunted game (BEN) thing. Yes I decided to try out Majora's Mask for the first time and even beat it within a weeks time.

I loaded up the game and the start screen popped up I quickly rushed through the opening cutscrene and starting menu as I created my save game file, I don't know if it was instinct or my gamer reflexes that caught it but I back tracked and noticed something strange on the "Press Start" screen, where it was supposed to say something like (2000 Nintendo) there was a weird jumble of letters of the word and the numbers 777 kinda like this (777 Nntedin).

Seeing as how I was running the game off an emulator I brushed this off as a graphical glitch and proceeded to play the game naming my character my usual alias "Katastrophe", after that glitch nothing happened I got through the game up to the first fight with the skull kid in the clock tower and because I couldn't find another way to do it I had used a save state to save the game.

It was cold the next morning and I felt a deep urge to play the game before school but before my computer could turn on I heard a knock on my door, curious as to who it was I quickly poked my head through a crack in the door and found a tall man, slender in build and wearing a trench coat, top hat, and carrying a cane.

The man told me I was selected among millions of other people in the world to be a special candidate for a test he was conducting, I asked him what kind of test it was and he handed me a sleek black USB drive with the numbers 777 written on the back in blue ink. Confused and tired I took the device and stuck it in my pocket, it might have been my tired imagination but I could have sworn he hadn't a shadow. I told the man thanks and he replied in a low whispering voice "Life is just a game"

Today is Dec. 20th and after a few days worth of playing I beat Majora's Mask without any trouble, there were a few minor glitches but nothing too serious. Then I remembered the USB drive I got a couple days ago and put it in the computer, and the drive only had one folder in it named (Majora's) I opened the folder to find a ROM that had the title "9-13 19-15-18-18-25" I still didn't know what it meant but that wouldn't stop me from playing it. So as the game started it looked like a Majora's Mask ROM but something seemed off, like the music wasn't in sync or the Skull kids laugh sounding distorted almost like a grunting chuckle.

The saved file that was in the ROM already was named J-1-s-15-14 and it was maxed out in all aspects, whoever he was he had completely beat the game so I decided to check out where he last saved and when I started the game it wasn't Majora's Mask anymore. Instead of a third person view as Link it was in first person and there were no icons or anything on the screen and everything looked like living colors floating on the objects of the area I was in, it seemed as if I were in my real world home though as if it was fully 3 dimensional.

I couldn't control the character anymore as it seemed he was programmed on rail straight to my room, as he opened the door so did my own door open. There standing in front of me was a full body silhouette of myself except his eyes were completely blue and dormant and his body was just a shadow a darkened figure with no real features, as I coward in the corner it stared at me and spoke except not with sound but sort of telepathically

"I am Jason, I am the core of you, I am the soul in your own genetic code, I am your every thought" as he muttered that last sentence an image of a grotesque looking moon pierced my mind, breaking past all possible laws of nature I looked into Jason's eyes and saw myself, everything I was, everything I could be, and everything I'll never be.

I blinked as Jason disappeared, I heard a whisper in my ear of a familiar set of numbers that I couldn't understand 777. I awoke to a white room with no entrances or exits, just a white void of space. Slowly I began losing my mind, often talking to myself and having nonstop conversations about what he really was and to my surprise I got answers, Jason was now a part of me. He explained that somehow there were different forms of "us" and over the generations of the human race we were viewed as angels and demons, gods and devils.

But he also told me that I was different, that my body was human and was never supposed to be in that realm, that in the next moment I would cause the end of the world. I felt like I was drowning as I closed my eyes and awoke to a giant moon At that time my Majora's Mask ROM booted up and immediately zoomed up to the moon as it smiled and fell to the ground on the final moment of the final day 7/7/7 of Dec. 21st 2012.

The funny thing is, only a frame of space and time ended at that moment, one specific moment of history was destroyed and the world outside my house wasn't even concerned.

I awake to find myself on the side of a house crawling out of the gutter, I'm surprised to find my shadow is missing I was drawn to a house nearby. I knock on the door and a young man opens it, I hand him a flash drive I found in my pocket and told him in a low whisper voice "Life is just a game."

Credited to J-1-s-15-14
Originally uploaded on November 24, 2012

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