Lavender Town Tone Project

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Hello, my Name is Terry Brooks, A former student of the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba. Ever since I was younger, I've always had this...this strange obsession with wanting to know things, to take things apart, to test things to see if they were in fact true.

Mind you, it only started with very small things like taking apart my parents VCR to see how it could just magically project living people onto a television screen or using my old video camera to document my first attempt at trying to summon Bloody Mary.

However, it's been nearly a Decade since then, and still, my curiosity hadn't wavered whatsoever. Hence why I took Psychology this year. While some people seemed to think of it as a new career path, I looked at it as a way to solve a rubix cube that's plagued my mind for the longest time.

The Human Brain. How it worked, how it absorbed knowledge, etc. It hadn't even been a month into the course before we were assigned to begin our first project on "External Stimuli" and it's effects on the brain.

It had already dawned on me to test out something I had read online. the various articles regarding the debut of Pokémon Red and Green. You know, the ones about the High frequency tones in Lavender Town. My thought is that these frequencies were know most by their affects on children from the ages of 7 to 12, the symptoms being anywhere from a mild Headache to full-on suicidal tendencies. The thing that makes me want to peruse this's never been tested on an older crowd, say, a small group of College students for instance?

Sure enough, within a couple of minutes of asking for volunteers from within the class, I already had a perfect group of 5, but to make the gender balance more equal, I volunteered myself to take part in these tests as well. The way I had it set up was that each participant would receive an original copy of the Lavender Town Tone though an Email I sent them, from then on they could choose how to listen to it.

Either through a stereo or through headphones. Each would sit and listen to the song continuously for an hour each day and document any symptoms that they began to feel. For the first week of testing, things seemed fairly normal. each day they'd come to me with nothing to report except the occasional headache from one of them. it wasn't until the second week that things picked up. now, everyone, myself included were feeling the headaches, the irritability, even the unresponsive behavior.

It wasn't wasn't until Wednesday where things took a bit of a turn. One of the subjects, Eliza Hallman, didn't show up for class. Worried, I decided to make a phone call to her place, to make sure that everything was alright. I checked her application form for the number and dialed it...only to be sent straight to voicemail. Odd. I tried again a few more times, the same result. It wasn't uncommon for her, She wasn't exactly an "A" student, in fact, some days she'd rather play video games then study. I figured she was just playing hookey from class, so I left it at that. That was such a dreadful, dreadful mistake.

Not long after Eliza, Nicholai began skipping, then Anthony...soon, everyone from the project just dropped off the grid. Phones off, no activity on any of their Facebook or Twitter accounts either. I was having just about enough of this, I needed to get to the bottom of this. I decided to head over to the Address Eliza had written down in her application. I recognized it immediately, it was right here on campus. it wasn't too long before I found where she was staying. It was one of the older Housing complexes before the school underwent renovations. it had been previously used to house sports equipment, Spare textbooks, you name it, but was emptied out a few years back to house the growing number of students.

I stepped inside. The building itself looked fairly well kept, give or take a few small dents. other than that, it looked like your typical dorm. a long hallway with doors running along either side, each leading to separate quarters. I stepped further inside, only to walk straight into a wall of foul odor, stopping me right in my tracks. my hand quickly shot up to cover my nose as I continued forward, looking for the correct room number. Finally, I found what i had been looking for, right near the end of the hall, Room A-7. The stench had only gotten worse as I got closer, causing me to Gag, but still, I pressed on with my mission.

I knocked on the door, only to realize it was slightly open already. If only I had put two and two together sooner. Cautiously, I opened the door ever so slightly, calling out for her, seeing if she was home. just like before, no response. I opened up the door and stepped inside- God, Why didn't I piece it together sooner!!! It was dark inside the living space, the only source of light coming from the hall.

I placed my hand on the wall, feeling around for a switch of some sort. it took only moments to find not just the light switch....but also the source of the smell. There on the floor laid poor Eliza, her eyes sunken and eyes bloodshot, motionless. her body, h-her flesh torn and sliced away from her torso and her arms. From what I could tell...It was as if she had begun dissecting her own body but simply but succumbed to blood loss before she could continue. I just about lost it right then and there. I gagged, both the sight and smell of her was unbearable. In a panic I rushed back outside of the Room and dialed 9-1-1.

Upon their arrival, I was immediately brought in for questioning. I told him my connection with the girl, about the Project. They questioned me further on the subject, asking for the names of the other participants. I complied with them, handing over both my notes, the application forms they had given me. All I wanted was to get out as soon as possible...and that's exactly what happened, they just let me leave, but they weren't done, no. Next thing I know, there's cops waiting outside.

One of the officers gestured me over, which I agreed to, figuring they were here to ask more questions. Just as I was about to open my mouth, the officer shoved me up against the cruiser, putting me in handcuffs. I didn't understand why at first, but now, it's perfectly clear why...They went to each address I had given them. it...oh wasn't just Eliza but all of them. each had mutilated themselves and died in the same manner. This, was all my fault. This curiosity, this drive to discover something killed them, everyone.

I hope this reaches someone out there...My Computer time's almost up. Please, if your reading this, don't listen to the song...This will most likely be my last message, they'll be moving me to solitary confinement tomorrow...

-Sincerely, Terry Brooks

October 21, 2012

Credited to JournalsUnlimited

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