Little Miss Muffet Gets Bit By A Venomous Spider

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Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
Along came a spider
Who sat down beside her
And the spider bit Little Miss Muffet and soon after, she died because the spider was a venomous spider. Blood was now a regular part of this spider's diet. It went from kid to kid, biting into wherever it has the richest blood. After a while, the spider grew wings. Then it became Romanian, and it turned into a vampire bat. Everyone was freaking out because this spider bat thing could suck them dry of their blood and kill them all. But then, the bat got shot all of a sudden. Blood spread so far that the local pond was caked in blood. All of the fish in said pond sadly died. It was actually a sentient bowl of Little Miss Muffet's favorite food, curds and whey, also know as cottage cheese, gunning the bat down. Everyone cheered for this bowl, not questioning that it's a sentient bowl of cottage cheese. Soon after, all of the kids the bat killed, including many other fairy tale and nursery rhyme characters, which includes Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood, and Georgie Porgie, were revived. They all cheered for this bowl. The end.

As it turns out, this was all encompassed in a book being read by a teacher to her class. Let's see what happened after the book was closed.

Teacher: "So class. What did you think?"

All of her classmates were skeletons.

Skeleton Classmate: "Wow! That was scary!"

Written-eth by-eth: Mr. Mike T. McBaxter. Eth.

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