Lost Tape - Gilligan's Island

Revision as of 01:45, 18 April 2022 by Thermometer (talk | contribs)

You probably have heard of the television show called Gilligan's Island which was shot between 1964 and 1965. Well there are theories that there was a lost tape, titled "The Visitor". As you can imagine from the title, this episode was about someone discovering the island which Gilligan's crew had inhabited. It starts off as Gilligan wakes up The Skipper and alerts him that a blue sailboat is seen doing circles around the island.

The yacht pulls anchor and a lone man rows in a rowboat to the shore. Gilligan and the rest of the members of the show all gather around the lone sailor and inform him how they were shipwrecked and as they talk, they discover that the war in Vietnam is worsening and the United States has been invaded by Russians.

As the episode progresses, an American fighter jet is seen flying around the island and the crew all watch. Then it is shot down by a Japanese plane and the Japanese plane turns and is seen coming towards the island. They all stare in horror as it starts firing down upon the crew and the Skipper, along with Jim and Natalie are shot.

Blood is splattered along the sand as the lifeless bodies just collapse on the sand while the rest of the crew along with the lone sailor are frantically running around the island screaming in horror. The frightening thing about this episode is that the blood is all too realistic, far out of reach of the special effects available at the time of the show's creation. Also the screams from the other crew are all too horrifying.

After this, the screen just goes static, as the episode only runs for approx. 10 minutes. There are rumors of the tape being copied and passed around but so far anyone who has either viewed the tape or have had contact with it cut off contact with the people around them, and just 'vanished'.

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