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It was when I bought that Ellie Goulding album... That I put it back because I could buy it on ItunesiTunes.
I am now dieingdying in a well because of that decision...... 
A man was in my house, searching for me..... He most likely was an Ellie Goulding Satanic Follower..... 
He then threw me in this well.... No food.... Water..... Only this Gross Pinneaple pizza (EW) and There was also water (Yuck I wanted GatorrapeGatorade) And there was Mario NES down here to (I ONLY PLAY COD LEL) 
The man came back... Looking down at the well... Some kind of magic was happening... Green lights came from his hands as he pointed at me. He was telepathically trying to make me explode... I felt a rumbling in my body..... 
It hurt really bad...
Making me go insane....  
Than it happened.. .
I sharted.
[[Category:WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHITTrollpasta]]
[[Category:Potty Humor]]
[[Category:Well, that was anticlimactic.]]
[[Category:ShokWHAT endingA TWIST!]]

Latest revision as of 19:06, 13 August 2023

It was when I bought that Ellie Goulding album... That I put it back because I could buy it on iTunes.

I am now dying in a well because of that decision...

A man was in my house, searching for me... He most likely was an Ellie Goulding Satanic Follower...

He then threw me in this well... No food... Water... Only this Gross Pinneaple pizza (EW) and There was also water (Yuck I wanted Gatorade) And there was Mario NES down here to (I ONLY PLAY COD LEL) 

The man came back... Looking down at the well... Some kind of magic was happening... Green lights came from his hands as he pointed at me. He was telepathically trying to make me explode... I felt a rumbling in my body...

It hurt really bad...

Making me go insane...

Than it happened...

I sharted.

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