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hello i have come with a serious message! DO NOT, and i mean DO NOT listen to this song, it will geniunely mess you up.

so for context, im a big fan of the pja and a big fan of ted lewis, i love the songs that are on his pja collection, and i enjoy how his songs were used in stage 5 of eateot. so, picture this: i was scrolling through the collection like per usual, and then noticed that i can scroll the collection one more time. i thought "huh, that's interesting", and proceeded to move on.

it looked the same as usual expect there was an additional page (because i just went to it), and only one track, labeled as "A Final Song Before It All Ends". it lasted (i think) for 3 and a half minutes, way longer than any of the longest ones. attached is a recreation of what the collection looked like i made using the page, since i couldnt recreate what happened to me that time.

recreation of what i saw on the site

i thought "interesting, never knew Ted Lewis had another song!" and promptly listened to it. it was basically a slow ballad sort-of-deal with the singer singing about how they've lived so long and are ready to go to heaven, and so sing their last song before they depart. i thought it was beautiful, i didn't know Ted Lewis could bring out this much melancholy from me, let alone make me cry a bit! so i end the listening and think "damn, that was cool, can't wait to tell my Shillkret-fanatic friends that Ted is truly the best in the pja!" and so i went to sleep.

what i didn't know is that i started getting these nightmares, where everytime this figure would show up. they looked like Ted Lewis only with this wicked smile and eyes that screamed danger. there's a recreation i made for this as well. this figure would come to me and whisper something in my ear very quietly which would make me wake up in cold sweat. i honestly couldnt hear what he said, but it sounded something like "your friends are waiting for you, my friend"

recreation of the person i saw in my dreams

this kept happening until about a month later when these nightmares just kind of stopped. i don't really know why, but that person who looked like Ted Lewis stopped appearing in my dreams. it was weird honestly. so after that whole situation i went to Ted's pja collection and tried to find a way to access that beautiful song again, but i just couldn't for the life of me get to that page with the 259th song! it was like it was a one time thing and now its gone! i was SO confused by this honestly.

so users, if you see it, PLEASE don't listen to A Final Song Before It All Ends if you don't want to have the nightmares i had! but if you want to brave yourself, i recommend it. also please let me know if there's any way to listen to that beautiful song again, preferably without the nightmares, KTHX!

Written by The Messenger
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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