Nintendo Fanboy: Difference between revisions

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Player was a 21-year-old man-child. He received the name because of his fascination with video games. But his favorite of all games were Nintendo games. Mario, Pokémon, and the legend of Zelda. You name it he played it. Even though he played video games most of his life, he wasn't a social outcast. In fact he was one of the most popular students at his university. He got good grades and was very athletic. He was well known among in his community as the best gamer ever. He won tournaments after tournaments from Pokémon to the legend of Zelda. He was a good kid and all with the help of his favorite characters. He was able to talk to these Nintendo characters and with their help he made successful choices and became popular. But on occasion he would hear voices. Not from Mario or Link or Red. Not from the princesses or other lesser known characters. Voices of darkness. Growls and hisses from the well-known turtle, King Koopa. His voice filled with anger and sadness.
The voice tries to persuade Player to do hideous acts that only mortal kombat can provide. But with his heroes on his side he banishes the thought of these acts of hatred and continued with his life. One day after university Player came home. He went to look for his mother until he found a note. It was from his mother. It said
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[[Category:Stupid is as the main character does]]
[[Category:Old Shit]]