There was a boy who thought he had a deep friendship with his Octillery.

He thought that Octillery loved him as much as he loved her.

They went everywhere together.

He’d had her ever since he was a child and had raised her to be a strong fighter.

He thought his Octillery was the strongest of them all.

Maybe he was right.

But one day, he had a fight with his best friend when they were out adventuring.

He thought that him and his friend weren’t going to be friends any more.

That made him angry.

When he got home, he took all his anger out on Octillery.

He yelled and yelled, and all his yelling confused Octillery, Octillery didn’t understand why the boy was angry with her.

She felt as if she was being attacked, so she defended herself, she lashed out at the boy.

But that only made him angrier.

He hit Octillery, and Octillery was very frightened of that, so she hit him back to defend herself.

The boy kicked Octillery and Octillery was not only scared, but she felt betrayed.

She climbed onto the boy and started pulling on his arms with her suction tentacles.

This horrified him and he screamed and tryed to throw her off.

But her grip was so tight, she only ended up tearing his arms off.

The boy screeched as his felt the agony of his arms being ripped away from his body, and struggled to get away.

But by that time he was weak and unable to escape Octillery’s powerful grasp.

The boy screamed and writhed, desperate to escape this nightmare as Octillery reared her head back to give the final blow.

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