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When it was my twelveth birthday, my grandma had given me a Peppa pig DVD, "aw grandma, you know I don't watch these anymore!" I told her in a whiney tone, "C'mon Quinn. now this one is good, give it a try, boy" Grandma convinced me to give it a watch, "Tomorrow, Fine... whatever. Grandma" I sighed, I looked at the DVD, it looked abit odd, which I neglected that without thought,
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"Peppa Pig is here"
[[Category:Not Sure if Troll or Trying to Be SeriousTrollpasta]]
[[Category:Well,Lost that was anticlimactic.Episodes]]
[[Category:PointlessCliche ViolenceMadness]]
[[Category:WHAT A TWIST!]]
[[Category:Well, that was anticlimactic.]]