Pot Trip: Difference between revisions

No change in size ,  10 months ago
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So there I sat. Just me, in my room. It seemed like a normal Saturday night during summer vacation. I was watching Death Note…Note... and smoking the pot I had bought on the last day of school from some chick named Emily in the bathroom.
As I took one last hit, I put it out in the ashtray beside my bed. I threw my head back and laughed a little, then went back to staring at the TV.
"That's right…right... I am Kira!" Light Yagami yelled to Near, and I let out my famous Raito fangirl squeal. "And…And... The God of this New World!" More squealing. Light was everything I had ever wished for in a man. Oh why wasn't he real…real...?
After he was shot and then killed by Ryuk I turned the TV off and grabbed my iPod. Big mistake.
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"Dark Dreams"
My high seemed never ending. I had good music, chips (to take and EAT THEM) and a tall Monster to be drank. But something was a bit off…off...
After "I <3 Hello Kitty" came "Believe", and then "Dark Dreams".
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I shook my head; it was the pot screwing with me. I continued listening, but right after "Dark Dreams" came "Believe", and then "Dark Dreams" until it was an endless loop of just those two songs.
I was a bit freaked out, so I opened my eyes. The lights were off. But I had them on before I turned my iPod on right? I guess…guess... I dunno…dunno... But the music got louder.
"Belieeeeeve in meeee…meeee..." Dahvie sang as I sat up in the darkness. But then the songs mixed, and not like they do when they fade into each other during a song change.
I squealed a little and pulled my earphones out, but the songs meshing was still echoing in my room. I stood and ran, trying to turn my light on but couldn't.
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Frantically I tried opening my door. It wouldn't budge. I panicked as I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Believe in me…me... Why you feel like you're losing all of your hopes and dreams…dreams..." the voice said as it kissed my neck. This wasn't Dahvie…Dahvie... No…No... No no…no... It was.
"Light!" I exclaimed as I turned around. Light Yagami had his hands on my waist. "Kira…Kira... God!" I shouted, only to have his hand cover my mouth.
"Have you ever dreamt…dreamt..." he began, his pupils now dilated and he had his sadistic Kira look. His grip tightened on me and I struggled to get away, only he kept chanting "Dark Dreams" at me.
Light then kissed my lips. "Believe in me…me..." he whispered again, before his sadism returned. I was tossed onto my bed. Yes, this was Light Yagami, my dream lover. But this was too freaky.
I grabbed his beautiful dirty blonde hair and pulled, and then Light disappeared.
I woke up the next morning. "Just a pot trip infused nightmare," I told myself with a laugh as I stood to shower, wiping my eyes. But when I opened my hand…hand...
"Belieeeeeve in meeee…meeee..."
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