Pringles Blood Flavor

Revision as of 22:27, 4 May 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{JOKE}} Once I was shopping in a walmart. I was going down the chips aisle when I found something weird. It was a pringles can, but stranger. First of all, Mr P had bloody eyes, which was very scary. Another thing is that it was blood flavored! That was really strange. And the chip design had blood on it. But the scariest part is that the can had blood dripping all over it. Even onto the shelf, which was scary as heck. My first thought was to just pick another can and...")
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It's just a joke, bro!!

The following page may contain outlandish humor regarding certain public figures/companies. The content of this website is purely fictional and satirical; what is presented in this story is false. Thus this should not be taken seriously whatsoever.

Once I was shopping in a walmart. I was going down the chips aisle when I found something weird. It was a pringles can, but stranger. First of all, Mr P had bloody eyes, which was very scary. Another thing is that it was blood flavored! That was really strange. And the chip design had blood on it. But the scariest part is that the can had blood dripping all over it. Even onto the shelf, which was scary as heck. My first thought was to just pick another can and not think about the can at all. But then I got super curious. The price tag was "6.66$". It was kinda cheap, so I decided to buy it. Fast forward at the checkout line, I put down all my stuff. But then the cashier looked at the pringles can and made a creepy smile, like the cashier knew something about it. I was having second thoughts about buying the pringles, but I brushed the thoughts off. So then I paid, but the cashier was still making that creepy smile. I was really nervous at this point, but I drove back to my house. I got out the pringles first. It was weird at first. I hesitated to take a single chip out of it. So I decided to do some other things first (laundry, playing, etc.). I finally got to trying one of the pringles. I got out the can and opened it cautiously, I took a single chip out of it. It was darker then the original kind, and it had high amounts of blood on it. I took my first bite into the chip. It tasted weird. Like bacon, but kinda minty and sour. I finished the chip, ignoring the taste and everything else. But when I looked back in the can, all the chips were gone. I then looked up and I saw what might be the most terrifying thing I ever saw. It was Mr. P. But he had arms and legs, with blood coming out of his eyes and mustache. I was super terrified. I ran down to my basement and hid in the bathroom. But then I heard stomping and he found me. I ran back upstairs. I was really out of breath. I rushed outside and drove to a hotel, but he found me again. Wherever I go, he would find me. I drove back to my house and rushed to the basement. The pringles demon got a hammer and threw it at my arm. My arm was bleeding like heck, and I was getting extremely weak. Then, somebody who I now think as my lord and saviour, PATRIXXX appeared. He checked if I was ok and I replied yes. Then he turned super saiyan and gave me an extremely powerful weapon. I thanked him. We fought the demon but then something extremely terrifying appeared. A health bar on top of the demon. The pringle demon grew in size. I knew I had to defeat the demon at this point. We started hitting him with gigantic amounts of damage. The health bar lowered, which was great. But then we got hit with a extremely painful beam of electricity. We took damage, but started recovering. Then I hit the demon with the biggest hit ever. Now the demon's health was low. But then the demon grew in size and turned into a robot with multiple arms. That's when PATRIXXX knew that he had to give me super saiyan as well. I turned super saiyan and flew into the sky. I released a beam of lava onto the demon. The demon's health was 10. With my weapon, I hit the demon so hard, I defeated the demon. Then the demon blew up. Me and patrixxx were so happy to see this happen. I thanked PATRIXXX again and he said "Thank you too. But for this time, I have to go back to my own dimension. I will miss you".

That was heartwarming. He opened a giant portal jumped through it. It then disappeared.

I'm so glad I didn't die. I was pretty close. But for now, I am doing pretty fine. No bloody pringles, or pringle demons. Just normal life.

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