Quilava is Mourning

Revision as of 03:11, 10 November 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''July 23rd, 2010''' Today I decided to go garage-sale hunting! My block seemed to be planning a big garage-sale weekend, so I decided to go check it out. I purchased a set of hand-made oven mitts, a DVD, and an old umbrella. In total I visited almost all of the garages! However, there was one house that kept drawing me to it. It belonged to an old man. I didn't know much about him, but he always seemed eerie to me. However, I decided to go check out his garage sale. T...")
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July 23rd, 2010

Today I decided to go garage-sale hunting! My block seemed to be planning a big garage-sale weekend, so I decided to go check it out. I purchased a set of hand-made oven mitts, a DVD, and an old umbrella. In total I visited almost all of the garages! However, there was one house that kept drawing me to it. It belonged to an old man. I didn't know much about him, but he always seemed eerie to me. However, I decided to go check out his garage sale. To my surprise, he had a lot of old video games. Game boy color cartages, old x-box games, and some more recent games as well. Being a rather avid Pokémon fan, I was delighted to see he had Pokémon HeartGold for only fifteen dollars. Such a steal was something I couldn't resist. When I went to purchase it, I asked him why he had so many games. He said that they belonged to his son, but he moved away to college and didn't have time to play with them anymore. Since his son doesn't contact him anymore, he doesn't want to keep them. They remind him of his son and how he is no longer with him. After listening to his story, I walked back down to my house to play it. I loaded it up, and checked out the game. The current save spot was named JOHN. I could only assume that that was the boy's name. I decided I should check out the kid's game, and see how far he managed to get. It appeared he was in someone's house, but that's all I recognized. Since I myself had SoulSilver, I knew a lot about the game already. He had a Quilava, Flaaffy, Spearow, Slowpoke, Sudowoodo, and a Rattata. It appeared he hadn't gotten too far in the game, which was a shame. I decided I would talk to the people in the house before I left. Then I recognized where I was. I was currently in Goldenrod City, and I was in the house of the women who told you how much your Pokémon liked you. All she said for Quilava was,

"I get the feeling he really trusts you." I talked to my Quilava next, and what it said surprised me.

"Quilava is trembling with fear." I'd finished the game, and I never heard a Pokémon say that before. I ignored it though, and decided to leave. However there was something in my way- a lack of a door. I searched the entire house but it seemed there was no way out.

"Huh, that's strange," I mumbled to myself. Now how does one get in if they cannot get out? Well at least now I understood why the kid didn't get very far. I knew I should've just started a new game, but there was somewhat about that room. Like I couldn't escape it, mentally.

July 24th, 2010

I decided to play the game again. I searched the room again and again looking for something to do or a way out. But again and again I didn't find anything. I decided to talk to my Quilava again.

"Quilava's flames are going dim." What was the game trying to say? That my Pokémon is going to die soon? After more searching I found that the tree in the upper right hand corner could be moved. There was no exit there though. There was only a plaque that read:

"Ten Days" I contemplated this for a little while. What exactly did "ten days" mean? Or what was it supposed to mean? I put the game away for now. It was hurting my head trying to understand this.

July 25th, 2010

Today I got the game out again. I did some more investigating. I interacted with every object in the room. I found some interesting things that Quilava says. I also noticed that they change depending on which part of the room you are in.

If you are in the upper left hand corner he'll say four different phrases:

"Quilava is cold!" Quilava will frown and shiver.

"Quilava is scared of his reflection." Quilava will frown and shiver.

"Quilava is afraid of the sink!" Quilava will frown and back away from the sink.

"Quilava is staring at the refrigerator." Quilava will look towards the fridge.

If you are in the upper right hand corner he'll say two different phrases:

"Quilava is sad." Quilava will frown.

"Quilava is staring at the plaque. He doesn't seem to like it." Quilava will frown.

If you are in the lower left and right hand corners he'll say three different phrases:

"Quilava looks like he is crying." Quilava will frown.

"Quilava is sticking closely to you." Quilava moves closer to the player.

"Quilava looks worried." Quilava will frown and shiver.

The most interesting reaction I got was that Quilava did not like the plaque in the corner. So I examine it again.

"Nine days." The plaque seemed to be counting down. This fact scared me a little. I closed the game and put it away for the night.

July 26th 2010

The first thing I did in the room today was look at the plaque. As I suspected it read:

"Eight days." I experimented and talked to Quilava.

"Quilava is staring at the plaque. He seems scared of it." Quilava then stepped backwards. After this, he didn't follow me anymore. He just stayed in the lower right hand corner. I tried talking to him, but all he said was:

"Quilava is mourning." Mourning what? After doing my now daily interactions with everything in the room, I put my game away and went to bed.

July 27th, 2010

As usual, I got the game out after lunch. The plaque, as usual, was one day less then yesterday.

"Seven days." I was a little excited and nervous to know what would happen in seven days. However, I could wait. Today I did some more experimenting with Quilava. Today he started following me again. I decided to see what would happen if I took another Pokémon out. So I tried switching Quilava with Rattata. However, they wouldn't switch. It seemed that Quilava simply had to stay in the first spot. I didn't really know what, but it didn't bother me that much. After running through my interactions, I quit for the day.

July 28th, 2010

I didn't play the game today. Nothing very eventful occurred. Though I kept wanting to play the game I didn't have time.

July 29th, 2010

Today I got back on the game. Quilava seemed to be REALLY mad at me. He wouldn't talk to me at all. After awhile of interactions I got him to like me again. I was really relieved. I read the plaque today.

"Five days." It made sense that it went down by two, since I missed a day after all. I squirmed a little, this was so exciting! However, I noticed that I still couldn't find a way out of the room. I also noticed that I really didn't care so much anymore. Today I found some new interactions with the TV. Some of them were a little frightening though. For instance, instead of talking about normal Pokémon stuff. It would be a news channel that was discussing murders or suicides. I tended to disregard it though.

July 30th, 2010

I got on today and checked the plaque. As I suspected and hoped, it read,

"Four more days," I had marked August 3rd on my calendar. Nothing out of the usual happened in the game today.

July 31st, 2010

The plaque went down another day today. Quilava seemed tenser today then he usually was. Didn't spend much time playing.

August 1st, 2010

The plaque read something slightly different today,

"Only two more days" I wondered what this meant. Why "only"? This made me even more excited about what was going to happen. Quilava seemed to be really really sad today. He wouldn't turn to face the player today.

August 2nd, 2010

I was really happy and excited today.

"Tomorrow's the Day!" The plaque read proudly. I was frightening though, because Quilava was running recklessly around the house today. I couldn't get him to stop no matter what I did. When I tried to talk to him, all it would say is:

"Quilava looks like he is about to cry." I teared up a little bit at this. He was my companion; I didn't want him to be so sad! I didn't see why he was.

August 3rd, 2010

Today is the day. However, I feel really dull and sad today. I don't know why.

I'm finally home! I get to play the game!

Wait, where's my character? I can't find him anywhere! Ugh! Today is the day! Where is he?

Quilava is walking aimlessly around the room.

I feel depressed all of a sudden. Why is this?


I can't escape it.

The room. The room.

The room. I can't escape the room.



August 4th, 2010

I couldn't take it anymore. The room. The game. I know what happened to JOHN. The same thing that's going to happen to me.

I love you mother, father. I'm sorry, but I had to do this.

I can't live knowing that room exists.

"Quilava is mourning."

Uploader's note: Story dates back to November of 2011, but was probably written earlier

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