Rainbow Factory but if it was a crappy movie adaptation: Difference between revisions

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m (I just needed to add one pizzazz to it, JUST ONE!!!!)
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This idea was based off of a weird dream I had years ago, where a group of characters went to the Rainbow Factory from the MLP creepypasta. So, I imagined it as a really bad movie adaptation, and decided to type down what happens in it later on and take elements from other movies. 
'''== Plot''' ==
Long ago before the rainbow factory has opened, a couple of miners in a snowy area find blood out of someone, the blood turns into a rainbow from a special machine filter, the miners plan to establish a factory based on this bizarre discovery. Meanwhile, a group of people pull a prank on the antagonist named Rolan, by putting a fake corpse they stole from a medical school on a Scoot's house, and having Rolan kiss it accidently, Rolan freaks out and starts spinning and screaming in horror in the room. Many years later, at a school, all students from 8th grade plans to go on a field trip to the rainbow factory. Later that night, one of the main characters named Jason, is suspicious about the rainbow after he saw one chase towards him. However, Jason's family does not believe what he witnessed, then goes off to bed. Days later, a group from a company in a ship has a conversation about the factory to investigate how the rainbows are made so they can either copy it, or destroy it, one of the people includes a supporting character named Moe. Sometime later at a supermarket, Jasons sees a aisle of rainbows from the factory, he then starts to destroy the rainbow products to warn everyone that the rainbow is bad, but he then gets arrested and sent to home. The next day is the field trip day, two supporting characters Gumball and Darwin, missed the bus for the field trip, so they have a chase scene to the bus, it went successful.
