Ritual: How to get worse at grammar.

Revision as of 12:01, 4 June 2022 by Thermometer (talk | contribs)

Warning: This ritual can make your dick caught in a ceiling fan or your head smashed, professionals suggest you use a hammer instead of a sledgehammer admins can also use banhammer.

1. Get control of a hammer, any type will do (Except Sledgehammers)

2. Turn off all the lights in the house, make sure its night.

3. Hit your head 3 times, do it really hard, but not too hard.

4. Repeat #3 but do it harder.

5. If your an admin turn the switch to mace, and not ban.

6. Hit yourself until you see red liquid coming out of your head.

7. Put a band-aid on and then start typing in notepad.

8. u wil notic dat ur gramer iz now worst

9. if ur gramer iznt baad enuf den repeet #3

This is how your grammar should look

uan tim i wented to the sotre end i boughted sum cande end i dyed of aidz.

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