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One day playing a classic game of Toontown, I noticed that it was gonna go offline for an update in 30 seconds. I was wondering why it was gonna close in 30 seconds. So I went to a blog post that looked suspicious. It was called: "Under The Clouds". It had no text and went straight to the release notes. The only thing there is Stickerbook part. It said: "You can go in the clouds now!" I waited the rest of the time to update. The temporary closure lasted 1 minute. I went into the game. I went into the sticker book and I hovered over the cloud and it said: "Go to Cashbot HQ?" The question mark confused me but It didn't matter. so I clicked it. As soon as I clicked it my computer got staticly. When it stopped being staticly, I was in the cloud. The friends button was gone and the game forced full-screen. The stickerbook was gone to. And then I loaded into Cashbot HQ?. What I saw was shockingly awful. I saw a bunch of toons lying on the ground. They didn't have eyes, their mouths were forced open in the Surprise emote method. One of the toons was still alive, but the same like the rest. He had something to say. However, the 1st thing the toon said was "Turn back, he is coming for you." I responded, "Whos this he?" The toon answered "There is a robber baron in there, but that cog is not like the rest. Don't go in that elevator." I was confused and asked "Why?" The toon responded. "That Robber Baron is very bloody. He kills toons." I looked at the elevator. There, I saw a picture of the cog the toon was mentioning. It was a Robber Baron, except his head was very hyper-realistic. Blood was running down his eye sockets. The rubber band thing that made the Robber Baron unique was gone. I was terrified. I asked the toon one last thing. "What level is that baron?" The toon said "666." I thought of something suddenly. Maybe the robber baron was possessed by an demon! But I went in the elevator anyway. "You'll be sorry..." The toon said as the elevator door closed. The elevator led to an Cashbot Mint. It was called "Death Mint." The floor number was 666. I went into one room, and I saw the Robber Baron. The name was "Robber Bloodron," the look was the same as the picture. I approached it. It said, "Ready to meet your death?" And I was in battle. But Robber Bloodron went 1st, and took out a knife! I was frightened. It took a stab at my toon. My toon sprayed out blood. And once a organ fell out, the computer got staticly again. 10 seconds later it went to a message, no longer full-screen. The message said: "Your demise is upon you. Your toon is now dead. As soon as I clicked the check mark, I saw the cog again. It said "Your next." And was gone. I looked behind me, and I saw the Robber Baron. It took a stab at me, and blood sprayed all over the cog again. Somehow I recovered from the disaster and I didn't play Toontown for 5 months after that disaster. I will never feel the same after that Robber Baron stabbed me...[[Category:Vidya games]]
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