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[[Category:Cliche Madness]]
[[File:Super scare!!.png|thumb|SUPER SCARY PICTURE I TOOK!!!]]
I'm a huge fan of sonic the hedgehog I played his games, watched the cartoons, etc. I even got an internship as sega but recently all of that changed. And its all because of one thing, '''him'''.
When I was working my usual shift as an intern dose I stumbled upon a box in the rubbish, and as soon a I saw it a snatched it away from its wasteful confins and hide it away from the rest of my fellow interns. As soon as my shift at sega was over I brought the box with me, '''Little did I know that was the worst mistake of my life'''.
But as I was walking home I saw a little birde fly into its nest feeding its young, that was nice. :)
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After awhile I got the game to work! It worked as normal when I got to the to the title screen BUT I can only play as tails and every time I tried to play as sonic it would show blood on my screen for 3.35 seconds (specifically that) so with that I played through the game as tails bashing robots, rolling around loops, the works. But a thing that botherd me was that when ever I smashed any of the enemies instead of it exploding like usual. It instead exploded into hyper-realistic blood and the little criters that would escape from the robots after you freed them were instead replace with corepses that would splatter across the ground and leave a bloody trail in its wake. But I figured it just a glitch, besides, I DID find this in the rubbish anyway.
besides from that everything was normal but after a while when I got to cassino night zone. '''And soon everything I thought about the sonic franchise would go bleak'''.
Everything at first seemd normal at first, but tails was crying the whole way through the level "poor guy :(" I thought to myself while going through the cassino interacting with its many bumpers and the several slot machines throughout the level. But. When I got to act 2 everything changed for the worst.
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"Ya kind of rudely interrupted my super scary line, anyways"
"Do you want to see something '''scary?'''"
He then proceeded to choke tails out, put him in sulfuric acid, make him stub his toe against a table, dump him in hyper realistic blood, give him a wet willy (not that way tho), bash his knees caps in, puts his face in a deep fryer, make him play sonic boom rise of lyric for 24 hours straight, puts him in a fridge and then throws the fridge into a rivine, kicks him the crouch and finally tied him up to a wooden pole.
At this point I was shaking in pure unfiltered fear shaking in my now wet couch due to how scared I was, in my mind I was begging for this THING to stop torturing my favourite sonic character but that simplely wasn’t enough for the demonic being as he said "wanna see a magic trick?" to me and the now scared tails in witch he then screamed "'''BOO!'''" witch made tails explode into hyper-ultra-super-40k-blood. I screamed in absolute terror seeing his intetins, brains, muscles, lungs and skin being dragged out across the flour.
"So… what do ya think? Pretty cool huh? Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, but don’t worry my dear ol pal! This is just the beginning. Ill scare children! Ill scare men! Ill scare women! EVERYONE WILL FALL TO MY SCARYNESS AS I MENTALY SCARE THEM ALL FOR LIFE!!
I was in pure and absolute despair I coundent let this entity live in my house any longer! I NEEDED to destroy this thing! So I wiped out my trusty chainsaw and cut the cartrage in half, stomped on it, threw it in the rubbish and then finally drived the rubbish bin into a nearby forest and burnt the whole forest down, there where probably people in there, '''but I don’t care I just wanted the THING away from me!'''
and with that I went back home and decied to relax after a long grusome day I went to my bed and got some shuteye. But then I heard a knocking at my window, it was him.
"'''Thanks for freeing me! :)'''"
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Mr Bapis @mr_bapis - Writer of the thing you where reading lol
IDontEvenKnow @unfunnyperson2486 - Helping me with ideas / what to write through out the 2nd half of the story
Mr. L Fanboy @stupidmamn - Tails death scene and the washing the mega drive scene
Bocc @bocc - Tails death scene
Shigru Perleoni @mista.oofy - Tails death scene
Comic Sans MS @al_balderson - Tails death scene
And you!!!
Hope it made you at least chuckle a we bit!
