Shadow Luigi Curse

Revision as of 14:54, 28 April 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Ever played Super Mario Maker? Possibly a small percent of you have heard of the ‘Shadow Luigi’. Here is ONE of the stories I have heard of from my close friend. A man came home from work with a gift for his son. He had picked up a new video game for him, Super Mario Maker. It was a side-scrolling platform game and when he gave his son the gift, he was so excited to get it and play it right away. That night he played the game with his son and they had a great time....")
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Ever played Super Mario Maker? Possibly a small percent of you have heard of the ‘Shadow Luigi’. Here is ONE of the stories I have heard of from my close friend.

A man came home from work with a gift for his son. He had picked up a new video game for him, Super Mario Maker. It was a side-scrolling platform game and when he gave his son the gift, he was so excited to get it and play it right away. That night he played the game with his son and they had a great time. A couple of days later the boy was almost finished with the game. His dad was there in his room when he beat the last level his son created and he roared in excitement when he finally did it. He smiled and asked him how he liked the game. “W-what’s that?” He asked the boy when Shadow Luigi appeared on the screen. The boy said it was Shadow Luigi, that was all he knew.

He told his son it was time for bed. During the night, the curious father went into the boy’s room and turned on the TV very quietly to play the game for a while himself. He noticed that he now saw levels his son did not create. He chose Mario and began playing.

The game was fun until he finished the first level. He decided that he should play Super Paper Mario, so he took out the cartridge and placed Super Paper Mario in. It seemed that the boy had got to the River Twygs Bed level. He crept out of his son's room and played the game in the bathroom, till suddenly, the screen went black when the game system shut itself down. The man decided it was time for him to go to sleep since he had to work in the morning so he walked out of the bathroom and went to lay in bed with his wife.

At around 3:00am, he woke up when he heard thumps on his door. He assumed it was his son getting up to ask him to get him something. He told the boy to stop and go back to bed. The thumping kept happening and at one point he noticed a shadow coming from under the door.

“Luigi” kept popping into his head. He got out of bed and slowly opened the door. Then he heard someone say this very cold and raspy, “So long, King Bowser...” It was just a shadow. A shadow of Luigi from the game, it had to be. The man closed the door and franticly shook his wife from her sleep. "Honey, get Simon, we-" Suddenly, he noticed that the shadow is now on his bedroom wall, right in front of him. The man yelled in terror as the shadow lunged at him and his wife, killing both of them. The boy woke up, startled by some noise. He didn't hear anything else, so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the border of slumber, he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up, before the shadow's pitch black hand covered his mouth. The boy thrashed here and there trying to escape the shadow's grip. He spoke, ready to tear the boy apart.

"Luigi Time..."

How To Perform The Shadow Luigi Curse

At 12:17 AM on any given night, arises the opportunity to awaken the Shadow Luigi entity.

The most common way of summoning him is by the game, Super Mario Maker. It is through said media that the process must take place:

Begin at exactly midnight, by no light, for by that of a candle. Stand or sit in pitch black darkness, go on Google images on your computer and leave the computer on a picture of Shadow Luigi. Go on YouTube on your phone and play the song, River Twygs Bed from Super Paper Mario, in front of your bathroom mirror (the video does not need to be extended).

After the video ends, you must turn off your phone, for you have summoned the entity into your home.

You must survive the night without letting Shadow Luigi catch you, or he'll take you to purgatory. There he will stalk you for all eternity, or just simply kill you off. If you are successful, you must proceed with your day without any disturbances. But, if you fail, you will be dispatched by Shadow Luigi instantly.

Words of warning to let you know when Shadow Luigi is near:

1. You will feel the temperature drop slowly as you venture through the darkness, even though the houses thermostat reads the temperature you wanted.

2. You might see white eyes peering through the darkness straight at you.

3. You will hear unearthly whispers coming from another room.

4. You will constantly hear the River Twygs Bed song playing in your head, in an infinite loop.

5. Your phone will lose connection.

6. If you're recording the whole thing on your phone, or your video camera, I must warn you, that the video will be distorted.

If you wish to do this, be my guest. After all, it's just an urban legend... Right?

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