Sonic 4: Episode Zero

Hello, I'm am a Sonic fan who's into both classic and Modern games. I've heard about a game known as Sonic 4: Episode 2 and I couldn't wait to play the game. When I first saw the gameplay trailer for Sonic 4: Episode 2, I couldn't hold my excitement any longer, though It took some time for me to get the game since I wasn't exactly a guy who has all the money I would need.

After a while, I got enough money and I finally bought the game. I also heard the the game could be able to play two player Co-Op so I brought my friend Zack to play with me and he was interested in hearing me buying the game, so he did join in.

When we started up the game, the Title screen appeared to be much more in a darker tone than it usually is. There was no music playing in the background of the Title Screen and when Sonic and Tails appeared through the ring, instead of a Happy and Cheerful expression, they had a more saddened and quite unhappy look.

Me and my friend wondered what's with the title screen, but we didn't even try to bother. When we started up, we picked the Multiplayer Mode and when we did, the screen appeared to be fading into white, than eventually black. It did this for a couple of seconds and though it seems that we were already at the final boss already. Dr Eggman was there and he said "Haha, you can never beat me!" And we presumed to hit Eggman a couple of times but that's when things have gotten much more suspicious.

Eggman pulled out a button out of the machine he was on and when he pushed it, the Ring shaped platform than produced a terrifying shock to that damaged Sonic and Tails. They fell to the ground and a cutscene appeared where sonic says to Tails.

"This is the last of us buddy, goodbye." and Eggman laughed at the two of them.

My friend was shocked to see that this would of happened and I just nodded and looked back to the the screen. Soon enough, the cutscene ended and another cutscene presumed as Eggman took all of the Chaos Emeralds and combined them all to cause world destruction. Soon after that, it showed a burning city with fire everywhere and blood splatted in some places of of the area.

We were disgusted by this and looked away for a bit and then we heard Eggmans' laugh over and over until a the cutscene ended. We got a game over and got sent back to the title screen with a even more frightening and depressing look to it.

Sonic and Tails had blood over their body when they came out of the the ring with a quite hopeless look and they frowned at us while in the background, there was a blood red sky and the trees had dead flickies all over them with a Horrifying look to them.

The Flikies were decayed into hallow shells of themselves. Worst of all, the background music was a depressing song that what me and my friend even more upset. We just turned the power off and proceeded to not ever play this game again, though one day, I decided to check it out again to see if anything was wrong with it, but it never actually happened to me after that.

I'm pretty sure it all was just a illusion to fool us into thinking that, or it was all just a dream. Maybe I'll know why that has happened someday to the game.

Originally uploaded on the Creepypasta Wiki on December 1, 2012

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