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This episode of Spongebob Squarepants was found on tape in the UK. The tape starts out with a split second frame of Patrick eating a dogSandy's tail, as he spoke "HELP", in a depressed voicefoot. And then, it cuts to static for a minute, while the sound is soundedreplaced awfulwith awhat lotsounded like SquidwardMichael Myers's Musictheme fromplaying ain Spongebob Squarepants creepypasta: Redthe mistbackground.
After this, it cuts to Spongebob crying,with whilehis normal hesmiley wasface sitting on his couch watching TV, for about 6 and a half minutes. After this, it cuts back to static for about a another minute, while you could still hear an audio from Red Mist.
And then, it cuts to Spongebob running around in his pineapple house. After this, it cuts to an image of aSquidward screenshotwith ofred eyes and Redblack Mistpupils, while you could hear screaming from SuicidemouseFudd.wmv.avi joiningSpongebob thethen alreadylooked awfulat audio.the Spongebobviewer and yelled "Don't do this, I am not a spongeland creature!". The last frame was a image of Patrick and Spongebob being badly murdered by a serialwoman killerthat looked like Morticia Addams from the Addams Family. After this, it cuts to a picture of SpongeBob and Patrick with black eyes with Russian text that read: