Spungbob kwits his job: Difference between revisions

Created page with "I once loved spongebob, it was the best show, but what i just saw ruined tat. So i was going to the shop to get spongebob dvds, i got 3 of them, one of them was suspiciosly a dvd on season 9, but what was wierd was that it said it included a special unaired episodd. When i got home i put the dvd in my computer, then i finished putting it in, i watched the normal episodes and they of course were great, it was the last one that wasn't. When it got to that episode i..."
(Created page with "I once loved spongebob, it was the best show, but what i just saw ruined tat. So i was going to the shop to get spongebob dvds, i got 3 of them, one of them was suspiciosly a dvd on season 9, but what was wierd was that it said it included a special unaired episodd. When i got home i put the dvd in my computer, then i finished putting it in, i watched the normal episodes and they of course were great, it was the last one that wasn't. When it got to that episode i...")
(No difference)