The day I got my pickle tickled by Gary Bartholomew "Sea Pickle" Penis: Difference between revisions

Created page with "The day I got my pickle tickled by Gary Bartholomew "Sea Pickle" Penis It was Tuesday the 24th of Feburaury, I had just finished my homework on how to talk to women (I gotted an F-), when my nephew came to my house and gave me a copy of Minecraft for my birthday. Unfortunalty, I had to get splinky pinkt on him beacuase I owned java and I didn't want to play any of the betarock shnizzle. After my mom spanked me for being mean to my brother/nephew like that I snorted the..."
(Created page with "The day I got my pickle tickled by Gary Bartholomew "Sea Pickle" Penis It was Tuesday the 24th of Feburaury, I had just finished my homework on how to talk to women (I gotted an F-), when my nephew came to my house and gave me a copy of Minecraft for my birthday. Unfortunalty, I had to get splinky pinkt on him beacuase I owned java and I didn't want to play any of the betarock shnizzle. After my mom spanked me for being mean to my brother/nephew like that I snorted the...")
(No difference)