Overpowered: Difference between revisions

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When I did reach the floor Clemont was on, I didn't hesitate and walked right up to him.
''"Oh! Thank you again for coming. Allow me to introduce myself…myself..." ''Clemont said to my character. (Which was the female trainer but with bright blonde hair.)
Before Clemont could say anything else to my character, Bonnie, his sister, walked in front of him and told my character, ''"This is the Gym Leader of Lumoise City, Clemont!" ''
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This time, there was a blood-red line across its throat, and four lines of blood streamed from it. And instead of the text box saying "Emolga fainted", it read, ''"Emolga has died", ''as it fell to the ground and was returned by Clemont.
As freaked out as I was, I tried to switch Dragonair out with Diggersby. But a text box came up and read, ''"No, you can't switch me out. I'm more powerful than the others. You're supposed to love me more…rightmore...right?" ''
Now I was scared, but I just let Clemont switch to his next Pokémon, which was Magneton.
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I made my Dragonair use Super Fang once again, which created another bloody gash on Heliolisk's body, but it stretched from Heliolisk's throat to its stomach. Heliolisk's health was fully drained, and I watched as its sprite coughed up blood, closed its eyes, and fell to the ground, with blood streaming from the edges of its mouth, and was returned by Clemont whilst having the text box up that said, ''"Heliolisk has died." ''
Before exiting out of the fight completely, the same image of Clemont that appeared at the start appeared once again, with the text box of him saying, slowly, ''"Why…Why...?"''
The screen faded to black, and then faded back to my character, Clemont, and the interior of the gym.
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But there stood both Bonnie and Clemont, with horrified expressions on their faces.
''"What…whatWhat...what have you done?! My Pokémon…Pokémon..." ''Clemont's dialogue read.
''"Why would you do this? Why would you kill them? Fine, just take the Voltage Badge and go!"  ''
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''"I defeated Clemont for you. I was being as powerful as you told me to be. And how do you repay me? You replace me, box me away, forget about me, and then reveal to me that you don't love me at all and try to put me away once again. But why did you lie? You told me that you loved me and that I was perfect. But now I know that's not true. AT ALL." ''
"No…ThatNo...That's not true…true..." I weakly told my Dragonair, with tears welling in my eyes.
'' "I don't care. It's true and you know it. I killed his Pokémon to show you that I was better than your Carnivine. Now, I'll give you what you deserve for trying to box me away once again, and trying to release me. After all I've done for you." ''
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''"I killed your other strong Pokémon, whom of which you also love, so the only strong one you're going to love is me, because you replaced me, even though you said that you loved me, and that I was perfect…perfect..."''
''"You will love me."''