Dragong is hungry: Difference between revisions

(Created page with "Dragong is hungry TW: Mentions of Gore, Blood, Just edgy horror in general Ps: This was not done for mainly for show I did this for fun and a little throwback to old 2016 creepypastas, please do not criticise me on writing or grammar, and if a mod tells me to take this down I respectfully will. I’ve always been a fan of my singing monsters, I first discovered it in 2016 when my friends were playing over my house. I decided to download it because, well, it looked...")
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until one time when I was playing Fortnite with the bros, my phone buzzed with a notification saying “Dragong is hungry.”, it’d never said that before, I paused to think, I carried on with my game, it could have just been a new notification they added, a few more weeks past and the last notification popped up on my screen, it was just blank, the furcorn on the app logo was gone, I clicked on the app out of anger, tho, the loading screen was just a black void with the My Singing Monsters logo on it, the loading finished and I was taken to ethereal island, blood splattered everywhere, no one sang, no one even moved, they were all just bloody corpses now, I looked at the sox in the middle of the island, it’s crimson blood leaked everywhere onto the island, it looked like it had bite marks all over it, I couldn’t look anymore, I was astonished, this must be some silly glitch, or a joke, but it didn’t end there, every island I went to was painted in gore. Air, Cold, Bone, all of them, but then I reached plant island, where I saw Dragong gnawing on the remains of what looked like a furcorn. It looked straight at me as a pop up presented itself, a pop up like from the tutorial furcorn gives you when you start the game, blocking me from seeing the blood-soaked sight behind it, tho it wasn’t for long, soon enough Dragong faded into place, furcorn still in its jaw, it dropped down as Dragong was about to speak, I shivered and breathed heavily, I didn’t think it could get worse but, the Dragong spoke the words i shall never forget “don’t act like you are the victim. you STARVED us, for so long we sat hungry, the others acted like you would come back, but you didn’t, did you, this is all your fault, Samuel, you abandoned us, and drove me mad, drove me to murder the monsters I once loved as if a family, now they’re dead, if you would have just spent a minute to feed us, we wouldn’t be in this mess, but, you didn’t.” I was horrified, Dragong just stared at me, I squeaked the words “I’m sorry.”, The Dragong stared soullessly at the screen, “i wish it didn’t have to end up like this Sam, I hope to see you again.” And as a loud ear ringing gong sound played through my phone, louder and louder until my phone shut off completely, when I attempted to turn it back on, I had found out my phone had been reseted.
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta]]
[[Category:My Singing Monsters]]
[[Categroy:My Singing Monsters]]
