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Gill and his buttbuddy Noah were looking for games for their Sega Shit at a spooky old man's yard sale, when they cumed across Sanic R. Gill was going to assk how much the shitty ass game cost, but when he got to the old man, he began to scream at him in HYPER REALISTIC LATIN while his eyes were bluuding and said for them to take the game for free and get out before he raeped them. When Noah heard the old shitface scream in latin and say, “Take the game with you.” he shoved the games he was looking at up his ass and waddled over to Gill. “Did this mofo say we can have that piece of shit fo free?” he asked. Gill was going to shake his head no hyper realisticly when the old man said yes. Noah penetrated Gill by his arm and the shitty game and pulled them away from the old man's yard sale and to his house. As they got out of the yard, the old man began to shit himself and laugh a hyper realistic evil laugh. When they got to Noah’s house, Noah shot his neighbor and than got his Sega Shit and Sanic R, and put the terrible ass game in. When the gayme started they didn’t see Sanic or Nipples they only saw what look like Tools. Noah thought that it was JUST A GLITCH or that someone fucking HACKED IT(Sound Familiar?), but Gill fucking knew it was more then a glitch or a hacked game. He could feel it in his ass. Much more... evil.(Smartest CP Character Ever) The first thing they *noticed when Noah started the first shitty race was that the track was full hyper realistic bluud red and spooky black and the music that was playing was “Can You Feel the Fucking Sunshine”, but played backwards.(lolcliche) Noah thought that is was a hax, but Gill thought the game was haunted by a spooky demin or dibble. He didn’t think that dis copy of this terrible ass game was the only hounted version of the gayme. He thought all of the fucking capies were haunted by Tools.(Future Conspiracy Theorist) When Noah ass raeped everyone and beat off the first race, he unlocked Supa Sanic!!111!!1 Gill knew that Noah the Dumbass didn’t get all da seven Roid Rage Emeralds but Noah didn’t question how he got him, like all CP Characters, but he did stand up and *cheer for himself. “How the fuck did your bitch ass unlock him so quickly?” asked Gill.
“I don't fucking know you dumbass!!” Noah screamed excitedly. “Why the fuck are questioning it, Gill?” “There some spooky ass shit with this shit game man ,” Gill said “The“This shit feels fucking haunted or something.” "Shut your dumbass up. You and your goddamn conspiracys. Whats next? You gonna fucking say Hitler faked his death?” Noah said “Actually....” Gill said before Noah cut him off. "Don't fucking say it." Noah anally destroyed everybody again and finished his second race with Supa Sanic when the gayme said a fucking challenger was approaching. When the “Challenger Approaching” screen faded away, the screen faded into spooky black and stayed black for about two minutes.(So spooky, totatly not cliche) It then cut to a picture of Sanic in bondage being violently raeped by what looked to be like a stuffed animal version of Tools with a large ass cock and than very loud hyper realistic scraming and demin laughter for a split MOTHER FUCKING second, then it went to the race.(Neither of them questioned this)
When the race started, Supa Sanic was jerking off on the track by himself after the Ready,Set,Go was said, but it was in LATIN!!!1!!1! “Vestibulum. Paro. VADO!” was said. Supa Sanic started to move by himself!(lolcliche) Gill looked over to Noah and saw that his hands weren’t on the controller, but instead his dick becasuse Noah started jerking off. As soon as Supa Sanic crossed the fucking finish line, Noah was able to control him agoin, and what looked like Tools right behind him. When Supa Sanic and “Tools” cummed the finish line, it looked like “Tools” won but it said Supa Sanic won. That’s when it said they unlocked The Tools Doll and “The Tools Doll Curse”. When this happened Noah and Gill both looked very confused and Gill crapped himself. “Is that a letter?” Noah asked Gill and all Gill could do was nod his head. "It looks like it's covered in bluud" Gill said. Noah went to play as The Tools Doll when the letter opened up.