Spomre bob logts episos: Difference between revisions

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one day i was sitting wathcing the tv when i hear the doorbell rang, i saw a tape at the dor it said "sponge lost episode dont watch if you dare" i watched it annyway. the episdoe sarted with a title said "sponrgebob spqure pant" in white. then it cut to spongebob and patrick. spongebob said" hey patik wanna go jellyfinished!??!!??" in relly low quality voice because the creator of this tape suicided after he made this. then patirck said "yeah me too" in also low quality voice. then fotage got very coropt and bac to normal, then spongebob heeras the doorbell rang. spongebob opened the door but there was no one inside the house. then sponge looked at the table and say divorse papers. he read them and tehn regretted him. spongebob wet back outside and said to patrick :" i found divorse papers. you dont want to reed thems." then paticc sai "but they look fun th read! " "no patrick dont read them please they will make you regret" spongebob said bakc. then the apisde cut to blcack for abot 3497534 hours then am image apperaed with spong bob with red eyes and scary teeth and body. he staing at your shol. after the tape was over i frew it at te sun. the suin burned the tape. i will never see spongebob the same way again.
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