Stickers: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{NSFW}} "Your can't have hentai stickers all over your car" Enough. You've taken all I've ever had. I've doomed into an endless cycle of running and hiding from my true self. For the longest time, I've held back my deepest desires, my most fond wishes, to comply with the deeply flawed and ill-rooted capitalist system. I've been told to not put my penis inside bread dough when I used to work at a bakery, I've been told to please not comment on the size of other handso...")
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But today, I break the chains of consumerist society, chains that keep me from sticking chubby hentai stickers on my car. This is the start of a revolution, a revolution that will be talked about in history books in the same vein as the French or Russian revolutions. All this browsing and karma-farming on reddit has finally come in clutch, as today, I resign. This will inevitably bankrupt your 50.000 worker company, your days are counted. I won't listen to any begs for mercy. You should have left my hentai stickers alone.