Stories of a cow rancher

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Stories Of A Farmer 

About 10 years ago I got kicked off a farm that I was renting out, the landlord had died and his sister got the land, so now that im out of the contract and finally able to think or even talk about this topic without being scared I am going to tell of a few "issues" that arose whilst I was working there.

The Cows 

For the first few years that I farmed there I had a few cattle, they didn't do much for me but they dragged in some extra money and gave my dog something to chase. I personally named all the cows as there weren't that many (about 7). One of these cows was called Charles, she was an amazing cow, she produced the most milk out of the whole group, she was amazing, she and I got emotionally attached, I loved her, she was an amazing cow.

One day however I was driving through my field cutting down the ready to harvest wheat with a new farming machine my friend told me to get, it worked well yet there was always this glare in the window that was painful for my eyes. Now, we need to talk about where the cows were kept, they were all in a fenced off section that they couldn't escape from, little did I know a tree had hit the fence and they had managed to get out. While driving I looked down, I could've sworn it was only for 2 seconds, my head came up to a shock, the entire front panel of the vehicle was splattered in red, a cow, I had hit a cow and ground it up.

I was in horror, I went around the front after shutting of the machine, there laid the cows head, yet no name tag, I had guessed it was sucked up into the back, I walked around back and climbed the ladder into the wheat pit, blood and meat everywhere, there I saw it, a slightly golden name tag. My face went white, the only cow that I had given a golden name tag to was Charles, I became light headed, and fell face forward into the pit.

I woke up who knows how much later, to a buzzing sound in my left ear, I didn't know what it was, I guessed I had hit something or was in shock, I had been knocked unconscious after hitting my head on, well, something. To this day I haven't figured out what it was, but covered in meat was a flashing disc like figure, it gave off a constant buzz and had no buttons, I buried it to make sure it wouldn't do anything yet I still don't know what it was doing in Charles.

Mystery Car 

A few years after the whole "cow" incident I stumbled upon something else...


Credited to StillHereStillQueer

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