Super Mario 64 Creepypasta: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "A guy known as james had party round at his place,he was 'off his head drunk' , he wasn't thinking. he decided to break some stuff to impress his friends. his friends got a pile of suff from his basement and he started to demolish the pile of junk with a cricket bat sometime later he had broken most of his junk , but he couldn't seem to break a certain object... an old dusty copy of super mario 64 later that night most of james' friends had left and james was in the beg...")
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this time with photorealistic red eyes mario then started getting closer to the screen laughing demonicly every 2 moves a still of a man on the floor, decoposing,with his end trails hanging out of his gut would appear then static appeared on screen with a 5 year old in the background screaming: DADDY DADDY NOOOO DAAAAADDY....
james, scared out of his skin, felt a liquid coming from his eyes he put his finger up to his eye, pulled it away and realised he was bleeding from his eyes he heard the same demonic laugh surounding him in the living room james screemed then dropped to the floor, fell into cardiac arrest and layed there ,decomposing, in a pool of his own blood. Add categories here, e.g.
{{by-cpwuser|That1guy69|date=November 18, 2012}}