
Entry 1: December 16, 2011 Approximately 5:00 PM

Dammit, I thought this game's learning curve was over once I finished Snowhead, boy was I wrong. Should've known they'd get harder than those pushovers Odolwa and Goht, but damn, that fish is in-fucking-tense! I'm sorry for my language, games make me so angry some times. Anyway, I'm sure my ranting is pissing you all off, and you're all saying, "Your just a newb!" anyway, I'm sure all of you had trouble on your first of a million fucking times killing Gyorg. if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the boss of the 3rd temple in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I can't figure out why those arrows are sitting in those pots, I tried shooting it a million times, but the arrows magically disappear when they hit the surface of the water. I turn into Zora Link and dive to the bottom, but if he swims away my boomerang-fins can't catch up with him, and when he swims toward me, they just bounce off of the inside of his mouth as if it were made of metal. Not to mention that whilst diving you can't turn your camera, and you must dive every time he swallows you, or you can't throw your boomerang, but because you can't turn your camera, you have no idea if he's about to swallow you whole or not! Anyway, I'm gonna give it a couple more tries, 10 at least before I look this up on Google... (Read more...)

Written by Cheddercheese99