The Abandoned Factory: Difference between revisions

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Against my better judgment.. I said screw it.. I have to see what's back there now and moved the board to the side. It wasn't nailed down, it was just kind of sitting there...
This is where this building got fucked. The very first door I passed was shut. I wanted to explore every room though and when I looked up, I saw the following written on the door with duct tape:<br />"Sex room"
"Sex room"
I kid you not.. "Sex room".. it was obvious that people were coming in and out of here at that point but the place seemed empty. I placed my ear against the door and I didn't hear anything.. so I entered the room.
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He never came home and it's been 12 hours. His cell phone was turned off. Wtf did I get into?
<span style="font-size:14px;"> I got back to the building, and the door was back. Well, almost. It was a different door. Inside, someone had freshly spray painted "welcome" over some of the satanic looking graffiti. Some of the candles were lit. The door to the sex room was wide open, but I couldn't see inside unless I walked across the room.</span>
I <span style="font-size:14px;">didn't see anyone at all, though their were a couple of new completely filled garbage bags across the room, which sketched me out...</span>
I start creeping across the room with my swiss army knife ready in my head, and accidently step on something crunchy. It was my buddy's fucking phone! I whispered his name, but to no avail.