The Attack Of The Turd's: Difference between revisions

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"Yeah that bastard needs to... Wait! Why am I agreeing with you, I'm the one that hates Jews!" Eric Cartman also came out of nowhere and said. Then Kyle pulled out a sniper rifle and No-Scoped Cartman's ass. Then out of nowhere the 4th wave of turds arrived, and James Earl Ray jumped into the turds, blasting them all into pieces and then saying,
"Geez, and I thought Brock Obama and Martin Luther King were black." Bill Cosby then appeared with a pedocreepy smile behind him and screamed,
"YEAHH! That's racist!" He then left screaming like Heavy in the proccess. Meanwhile Frieza came out of nowhere and said to the turds,
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"Yeah that's pretty much it." Dr.Sh*t Pant's said.
"So.... MERRY WHATEVER NIGGAIDIOT'S!" Dr.Sh*t Pant's said as he flew up into outer space, and to wrap this story up, a star brightened and then a turd came down, blocking the whole screen.
[[Category:Loads of Characters]]
[[Category:English Class Failure]]
[[Category:Blatant Ripoffs]]

Latest revision as of 23:29, 4 January 2023

It all began when our hero Dr.Sh*t Pant's, goes into the toilet saying, "FOR ASSGAURD!" He is then magically pooped out into the Turd World, (Ha, get it?) He then sees these giant mutated turds flopping onto people everywhere. Jackie Chan was then shown fighting the evil turds, Jackie Chan then roundhouse kicked 30 turds in the nards, and just randomly dissapeared for whatever reason. Then as the turds lunged into Dr.Sh*t Pant's, Mecha Dill Clinton unleased his AK-47, and it shot all the turds. But they'll be back, as more of them came falling down from the sky like a turd-nado. Then out of nowhere Arnold Schwarzenegger/ The Terminator came out of nowhere and blasted everything into smithereens. And he then said

"Asta La Vista Baby!" Then Bill Cosby comes out of nowhere and says


"WHO ARE YOU!" The Terminator said.

"I'm Bill, who are you?"

"I'M A COP YOU IDIOT!!!" The Terminator yelled. Bill Cosby then flew away wearing a cape flying over Mach-9 speed zooming past Super Man and the Flash for some reason running around the moon.

"Hey y'all, I'm Morgan Freeman. Fortunately the world will be saved from destruction by our heroes. Who they are, I have no freakin' clue."

Dr.Sh*t Pant's then unleashed his giant red flame death ray and blew up the next wave of turds. Nicholas Cage then banged on the door in a certain randomly placed building and and then an army of turds came dashing in the building as nobody was watching him get away. (Wait what?) Anyways giant turd monsters attacked the city of China breaking 3 walls in the proccess,

"I broke the third wall! Now I'm just gonna break the fourth." The Monster said. Then a giant blue ray of Death came out of nowhere in the sky and attacked the turd monster, literally splitting his whole body in half. Then Godzilla came down roaring at the turd monster because of it's filth. Godzilla then grabbed the turd monster, threw it up into the sky, and he blasted his blue ray again and within a blink of an eye, his whole body was left into big turd pieces. Then Brock Obama, gave his long boring speech on how we need to defeat these juicy raw turds, and then a giant turd monster ate him.

"THANK GOD!" Trevor Phillips came out of nowhere and said.

"Yeah that bastard needs to... Wait! Why am I agreeing with you, I'm the one that hates Jews!" Eric Cartman also came out of nowhere and said. Then Kyle pulled out a sniper rifle and No-Scoped Cartman's ass. Then out of nowhere the 4th wave of turds arrived, and James Earl Ray jumped into the turds, blasting them all into pieces and then saying,

"Geez, and I thought Brock Obama and Martin Luther King were black." Bill Cosby then appeared with a creepy smile behind him and screamed,

"YEAHH! That's racist!" He then left screaming like Heavy in the proccess. Meanwhile Frieza came out of nowhere and said to the turds,

"#PREPEAR2DYE!" Frieza then threw a rubber band at another turd monster and it screamed

"AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" It then melted into the ground. And the rest of the turds quickly acted like pussy's and ran away from Frieza. Then Silver was in outer space fighting some space turds that can shoot lasers, Silver was blocking with his physic abilities until one turd grew hands and threw Silver from behind.

"IT'S NO USE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Silver then says as he's plummeting back down to the turd world. He then crash landed in Japan and saw a giant retard destroying the city, Silver then lunged at the retard like an idiot and wobbled his arms around, also like an idiot. The retard was then defeated, It was surprisingly effective. Then Trevor Phillips get a phone call from a fat person, the fat person says,

"Hi, Trevor. Do you know about the apocalypse of the turds, I'm guessing yes right?"

"Yup." Trevor replied.

"And I got a fatass lying here like a little bitch, can you go fetch him for me?"

"Well I would but I'm playing Call Of Duty and No-Scoping people in the proccess. So.... Sorry!" The fatass replies. Nikolai Belinski then came out of nowhere and said


"F*ck you, that was my line!" The Terminator randomly came in hear saying. Then the Terminator and Nikolai were just standing there for 5 minutes. Then Snoop Dog came and said,

"SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY!!!" Awesome MLG music then played in the background. Pickleboy then came in saying,

"That's some good pickles!" Then Little Mac prepared his KO uppercut and when he was finished charging the dun dun noise played, and he hit Pickle Boy with it. Pickleboy was then sent flying. Yet another turd monster appeared and then Dr.Sh*t Pant's unleashed his chainsaw and went into the monster, cutting it in half and getting out just like that one scene in Shark-Nado. A portal was then opened, and Dr.Sh*t Pants went into it as it sucked it up back into the surface.

"Remember son, always remember to unclog the toilet."

"How did you get here?" The guy in the house said.

"3 hours of explaining later.." Morgan Freeman came in announcing.

"So let me get this straight. Your saying you came here from a different dimension, and fought turd beasts and whatever. And then you met all these characters, and then you went out of my asshole I flopped down on the floor, and that's how you got here?" The guy in the house said.

"Yeah that's pretty much it." Dr.Sh*t Pant's said.

"So.... MERRY WHATEVER IDIOT'S!" Dr.Sh*t Pant's said as he flew up into outer space, and to wrap this story up, a star brightened and then a turd came down, blocking the whole screen.

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