The Cigar Smoking Slenderman with a Top Hat!

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One friday afternoon I had just awoken up in my bed. It was cold, almost like I was on the north pole. I took on some clothes and went downstairs. I made some bread and butter and ate. While I was eating I noticed it was still really dark outside. The clock said it was 06:66 so I taught it was some sort of lunar eclipse or something like that. But this was the first night I had sleept in this almost scary cabin sorrounded by woods. You see, I had been having problems with my parents for the past days and I had enough of it. I moved out here there no one could find me, but back to the story. After the breakfast I was making some hot delicous tea. But when I started the lights suddenly exploded and everything was pitch black. I heard footsteps coming right for me and I tried to hide under my table, even if I couldn't see anything. Some minutes later the footsteps were gone and the lights magicaly were on again. But to my surprise the tea was gone! I ignored this event and tried to searched for more of my tea, but it was all gone. I got curios and began to investigate. I left the house and explored the sorrounding woods. After some hours I got tired and was far away from my house. I saw a cave and decided to rest there for some minutes. When I came near it the British national anthem could be heard from the inside. I got nearer and smoke could be seen. I entered and was speechless of what I saw. It was the Slenderman sipping some tea. He had a top hat on and somehow while he was sipping tea he was smoking a cigar. I ran away out of fear. The Slenderman followed though. I ran back to my house and barricaded the doors and windows, until I heard the British anthem again. I turned around and there was Slendy, just sitting in my couch. He streched out his arm. He had a suit and a top hat in his hand. I took them and starred at him weirdly. We stared at each others until Slendy said "PUT TEH DAMN CLOTHES ON!". I followed his orders and took on the clothes on. We then starred at each others for some seconds until he gave me a cigar. I took it and began smoked with it. Slendy then said "Good. Gooooood. Gooooooooood". We then became best buddies and sipped tea with each others. In reality Slenderman just needed a friend, a very British friend... The End. 

File:Cigar Tophat Wearing Slenderman.png
P.S: Don't ask how he smokes the cigar without a mouth.
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