The Concert From Hell

My name is Michael and I used to be a long-time Limp Bizkit fan. Ever since "Three Dollar Bill, Y'all" came out, I've been hooked and always looked forward to their next releases. Whenever I was in a dark place, their music helped me cope with my current situation, and I personally believe Frederick Durst and the Limp Bizkits are the only reason why I'm still alive.

The image of Fred Durst that appeared everytime I tried to sleep

I've seen them live a few times and always enjoyed the experience, so when I found out that they were going to be playing in my hometown of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, along with other bands such as Dope, Linkin Park and Disturbed, I immediately got excited, to the point where I unwillingly came all over the floor of my room. Eventually, I ended up going to the concert with a few friends.

At first, everything seemed normal. Dope opened for Limp Bizkit and we were all having a good time moshing to Die MF Die (I am a total beast in the pit and almost got arrested for manslaughter once). Limp Bizkit ended up starting the show with a song (The Truth) off of "The Unquestionable Truth (Pt. 1)". I thought the fact that they started with a song off of one of their least successful albums was strange, but I appreciated it none the less, considering that is one of my favourite Limp Bizkit albums. Everything went normally until Fred Durst said "Now this is the moment y'all have been waiting for!" to the audience. He detached his head from his body, it grew several times in size and started floating.

Durst's head was chasing around random members of the audience and biting them while a studio mix of Rollin' played in the background. Could've been great fun, however what was not known at the time is that Fred Durst had contracted a raging form of HIV. Eventually he bit me and a few of my friends.

Right after this, Durst said that Limp Bizkit had been working on the sequel to The Unquestionable Truth. The band then started playing a new single which I thought was awesome, since it sounded like Avenged Sevenfold (and we all know that Avenged Sevenfold is AWESOME!), but at the end of the song, Durst detached his head again and started stomping it, thus covering the audience in a layer of hyper-realistic blood.

I returned home with my friends, thinking that this was a weird fever dream of a concert and then I went to bed. I tried sleeping, however whenever I shut my eyes, a terrifying image of Fred Durst with his eyes gouged out and his face covered in hyper-realistic blood appeared. I couldn't sleep that night.

Eventually, I started feeling sick, so I went to a doctor. The doctor told me that I had contracted a raging form of HIV that was completely untreatable, and that I'll most likely die within a few days. Some of my friends that had contracted HIV from Durst's detached head have already died, and I don't have much longer to live.

Fred Durst is the reason why I'm still alive, but he's also the reason why I'll most likely die.

Read the continuation here.

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