The Curse of Pepe

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I've always been a fan of Pepe the Frog. I think he's a funny and expressive character, and I've always enjoyed seeing the different ways he's been used in memes and other online content.

But one day, I saw a Pepe meme that I couldn't stop thinking about. It was a simple image of Pepe, with the text "Feels Bad, Man." But there was something about the way Pepe's eyes looked in the meme that really creeped me out. They were empty and hollow, like the eyes of a dead fish.

I tried to forget about the meme, but I couldn't. It kept coming back to me, and I started to feel like I was being watched. I would wake up in the middle of the night, feeling like there was someone in my room. And I would always see a flash of green out of the corner of my eye.

I knew it was crazy, but I couldn't help but think that the Pepe meme was somehow responsible for my feelings of dread. I started to avoid looking at Pepe memes, but it was no use. The image of Pepe's empty eyes was burned into my mind.

One night, I had a dream. In the dream, I was walking through a dark forest. I was lost and alone, and I was starting to get scared. Then, I saw a figure in the distance. It was Pepe the Frog, and he was standing in the middle of a clearing.

Pepe's eyes were even more empty and hollow than they had been in the meme. He didn't say anything, but I knew that he was watching me. I started to walk towards him, but as I got closer, I felt a wave of terror wash over me. I turned and ran, but I could still hear Pepe's laughter echoing in my ears.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I knew that the dream was a warning, and I decided that I had to get rid of the Pepe meme. I deleted all of the Pepe memes from my computer, and I burned the ones that I had printed out.

I thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn't. A few days later, I was walking home from work when I saw a Pepe sticker on a stop sign. I ripped it off and threw it in the trash, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Pepe was still watching me.

I'm not sure what's going on, but I know that I'm not the only one who's been affected by the curse of Pepe. I've heard stories from other people who have had similar experiences. They've all seen the same empty-eyed Pepe, and they've all felt the same sense of dread.

I don't know what the curse of Pepe is, or how to break it. But I know that I'm not going to let it control my life. I'm going to keep fighting, and I'm going to find a way to get rid of Pepe once and for all.

Credited to Clowe876

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