The Forest...

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Journal of Ross Johnson, 16 year old from South Dakota.

October 5th, 2011:

I woke up at around noon. My parents were on my ass for it, as usual for that kind of stuff, bombarding me with questions such as, "Why did you sleep so late?"

"Where were you last night?"

"Why were you up so late last night?" I just told them that I was at a friend's house studying, but really, I was at a party. But anyways, my first meal of the day was lunch since it was noon. Wolfed down my sandwich and then stepped outside, without forgetting to grab my jacket.

Just another frigid autumn day, but aren't all days in October like this? At least, down here it is. I made a straight beeline for my usual spot in the woods behind my house. I usually go here when my bipolar disorder gets me on the low side, when I'm pissed off, depressed, or I really just want to be alone. In today's case, I just want to get away from the wrath of my parents. I pull the phone out of my pocket and send a text to the girl I've been trying to get with for months. I figured today would be the day I'd just finally ask her the big question.

"So, do you want to maybe see a movie this weekend?" I send her the risky text and butterflies fill my stomach. While I wait patiently for a reply, I stare out at the lake in the distance of the forest. I've never been down there, but from a distance it's always looked very beautiful. My curiosity got the best of me today and I walked over there. To say the least, it was absolutely beautiful, just as I thought it would be. I sit down by a rock, and feel my phone vibrate.

"As friends, right?"

Friend-zoned. Just my luck. "I was hoping something a little more than that, if you didn't mind," I replied, hoping she wouldn't get weirded out.

No reply. Of course.

I powered my phone off and started heading back towards my usual spot in the woods and noticed something was just, not right. It was very difficult to place what it was that wasn't right though. I gave up on that and just walked back to my house. After that, it was just a pretty normal day. So, yeah, had a good day I guess. I'll be sure to update this again next weekend.

October 12th, 2011:

Not much happened this week. Just the same old, same old. School, eat, sleep, video games. I hadn't gone back to the forest since my last journal entry, last Saturday, so I figured I'd check it out again. When I walked over there, I immediately knew something was wrong. But like last Saturday, I just couldn't tell what. I could hear something in the distance, but it was hard to place what it was. It sounded sort of like a distorted metal screeching sound. I ignored it.

And then I heard a scream.

Thinking it was just my imagination playing tricks on me, I ignored that too and walked over to the lake, which seemed to be the opposite direction of the noise, because it got softer as I did so. The lake was beautiful as always. It was shallow enough at this end to see right to the bottom. There were some small fish swimming around in there, and some water plants and stuff. Life felt good. After that, I went back home, and nothing worth writing about happened, so yeah. Just another average day. Like always, I'll update this next Saturday.

October 22nd, 2011:

Woke up around 10AM today, grabbed breakfast, brushed my teeth, showered, etc. Did the usual morning stuff. Then I did something I don't usually do. I headed straight out the door and immediately went back to my usual spot in the forest. I don't know why, but as of late, I've been growing some kind of attachment to this spot, but I don't go there unless it's the weekend anymore because I don't have much time. Homework, going to some of the home basketball games, friends' houses, simply just normal teenager stuff. I did something else I don't usually do also today, as I immediately went back to the rock at the lake, plopped down, and stayed there for the majority of the time. It seemed if I sat there and stared at the lake, it started to turn a reddish color, reddish-brown it looked like. Once again, I thought it was my weird imagination doing some shit to me again, so I just shook it off.

But then I realized it wasn't my imagination.

This was real. The lake was filling up with what looked like blood.

And then there were bubbles rising to the top, and I heard a muffled sound coming from the lake. It sounded far off though, almost as if someone were screaming for help underwater. Too disturbed, I tried to run out of the woods immediately. Then I passed by my usual tree spot and saw the word "DEAD" carved on it. Even more disturbed now than before, I sprinted out of the woods and headed for my house. And that's basically it. I'll update this later.

October 23rd, 2011:

I never update this two days in a row, but I just had to vent my feelings. Technically, it's the same day, too, as it's midnight, and I'm still up. I can't stop thinking about what happened. I told my parents about it, but they think I'm insane. Maybe I am. I don't THINK I am, but I can't really be sure. Oh, and one more thing.

Can't sleep. Gonna die.

October 29th, 2011:

So maybe I'm just paranoid. Don't think I am, but everyone says I am. I told my friends about what happened, and now everyone thinks I'm some kind of weirdo. My life has slowly crumbled apart this week. I have nowhere else to turn but nature for my problem, so, like always, I'm heading for the forest, grabbing my jacket and heading out the door without even grabbing breakfast. My mom advised me not to go out there, because of what happened before, but I just assured her it would be fine. I'm also writing this AS the events happen, just because I wanted to do something new. "Dead" is still carved in the tree. Other than that, nothing feels out of place today.

Wait, I hear a noise... it's the same distorted metal screeching I heard before two weeks ago. But today it's louder.

And it seems to be coming towards me.

I hear a rustling in the bushes... wait, I see something. Why am I writing this? I should be running.

So I ran. Faster than I ever have in my life. As soon as I did, a human-like, bipedal figure with ridiculously long legs, green skin, and ridiculously long nails started chasing after me. I think I got away, but I can't be too sure. By looking at the figure, I noticed that the nails were grinding together and causing the noise. Strange.

I'm sitting behind a tree. Wait, is that him? Oh n

November 5th, 2011:

So I've been captured. I've been in here for a fucking week. But for some reason, no one's suspected me being here. The... thing, has left me in some shack, locked up in a room with nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm hungrier than all hell, the thing doesn't know how to feed me.

Oh, and there are corpses piling the small place. It smells horrible. I'm trembling as I write this, I really don't know what's going on...

But for some reason, it's allowing me to continue writing in my journal. I don't know why, but I'm going to vent to everyone now.


Finishing the story (as told by a survivor)

(all of the below is [sic], and written exactly how it was found in Ross's journal)

"i fount rosses journal. i was one of the few alive out of this stinkin rottin pile of shit in the shack, so i saw evrything. the thing (i dunno what it evn was) took Ross out the door and threw the jurnal into the pile of ded bodies where I was, flyin right by me. then he pulled the poor boy out the door and pulled him over to the lake that looked real pretty at first glance, until ya knew what it was 4.

wat i learned in my time at te shack is that the lake was fake, made by this... uh thing... and it's a trap bascally. if u go near this lake, u'll soon end up gettin capturd, and the thing will kill u, by cutting ur juggular with its big giant nails, and throwin u in the river. then, he eats one of ur limbs wich is how he gets his food. im only alive because he missed my juggular and cut my chin insted, so i pretended i was ded and he left. i had to stay real quiet. i came out the deal short an arm thouh how bout that???

but the thing left the shack so i didnt have to hide under the pile no more. i gots up and walked to the window which usually got the blinds down but not today for some weird reason. i walked to it and lookt out n i saw the thing tie ross to a tree and put tape over his mouf?? guess he was playin wit his food

i only been here for 2 weeks w/o food so that be why im still alive. i say "alrite isaiah ur gonna watch this and when its over ur running away". i watch as this disgustin crature tears off both of rosses arms. the duck tape on his mouf came off an he yelld really loud so the monster thing killt him.

he cut his neck an then stufft one of rosses arms into his own mouth an hurled him into the lake. assumin the thing would pull him out after a few minutes to add him to the pile for leftovers i booked it outta there. te gross thing never saw me again an never even suspected i left prolly. i made sure to take this here book with me thouh just incase. i fount a house rite at the end of the forest and askt if they knew the handwritin in this jurnal and it turnt out they was his parents and they was really worried. i showd em the journal and they started ballin rite in front of me. these folks really missed there son. they decided to follow te instructshins to te house in te forest (real stupid idear, onestly) n they didnt com back after six hours, so I ran. and... that's about it really."

Credited to Simba7032
Originally uploaded on November 18, 2012

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