The Frightening Dream

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My name is Nichole and I am sixteen. I have had many frightening dreams in my life. Some that have stayed with me for many years, threatening to haunt me through every waking hour. Whether I am awake or asleep they try to grab at my mind and drive me crazy. I would have thought that I have had worse dreams, but none have scared me more than the one I had the day I saw my boyfriend with blood dripping from his perfect lips, and his usually kind, light brown, eyes a frightening bloodshot red.

The Dream

That terrifying night, I dreamt that I was running down a darkened alleyway, trying to find a safe place to hide. There were vampires everywhere and they were gaining on me fast. No matter how fast I ran, or how many corners I turned, I could still hear their light footfalls getting closer every minute. I knew that I had no chance of out running them, but I had to try. I kept running, stumbling around in the darkness as I went.

I fell a few times, giving me a few minor injuries, but I got up and pushed myself on, knowing I had to keep going. I saw nothing but darkness. It surrounded me as if it were trying to swallow me whole. I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face! The crisp night air burned in my throat with each breath which made it hard to breathe. My legs burned with every stride and every muscle ached from strain, making me want more than anything to stop and rest, but I didn't dare. I knew that if I even stopped for one second they would catch me and I would quickly become vampire food.

Then when I turned one last street corner, I was binded by a bright, seemingly floresent light, so bright I was forced to stop and sheild my eyes from the brightness (it was the first light I had come upon in what felt like days). When my eyes finally ajusted, I saw that the light was nothing but a streat light, that was no more than 20 feet away from where I was standing. Squinting to see better, I saw what seemed to be a silouette of a man, a few feet away from the light of the lamp. All of a sudden it steped directly in the street lamps halo. I didn't reconize him at first but then it dawned on me. It was Alexander!! I ran twords him, feeling almost relieved at the sight of him.

"Help me Alexander!" I cried. When I reached him, I let out a gasp of horror. His usly kind eyes were a scary bloodshot red, his teeth looked sharp, and I could see the blood oozing from his perfect lips.

"Why should I help you, worthless human?" he answered as he crouched down as if getting ready to strike.

"Please no, Alexander, please!" I begged. He growled at me then pounced. Before I even had a chance to scream, he was on me, and I could feel his razor-sharp, teeth sinking deep into my neck.

I remember waking up screaming and grabbing my neck before I realized that I was sweating and my covers were tightly wrapped around me. Trying to control my breathing, I slowly unwound the covers off of me and looked at my clock on my bedside table. It was two o' clock in the morning! I didn't have to school for five hours! I got up, and dragged my feet into the kitchen to get a glass of water; hopeing it would help me calm down. After I got the glass of water, I took it to my room and took a big gulp. It seemed to calm me down a little. I carefully placed the glass on my bedside table then turned out the light.

I looked around my darkened room, afraid that one of the vampires from my dream would jump out of the shadows to attack me. The image of my boyfriend with his sharp teeth, freaky, bloodshot red eyes, and the blood dripping from his lips was still fresh in my mind. I could still feel the agonizing sting of his razor-sharp teeth sinking into my neck. Shivering with fear, I sunk deep under my covers and pulled them high over my head. I stayed up for what seemed like hours until I finally drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The Next Morning

I woke up the next morning to my alarm blaring and my mom yelling for me to get up. I moaned then slammed my fist down on the alarm clock to shut it off. Stretching, I got up and dragged my feet down the hall and into the bathroom to take my morning shower. Our bathroom is a small, normal sized bathroom with square tiles and bumpy walls. I remember as a small child connecting the bumps to see if I could make pictures or shapes out of them. Sometimes I ended up getting in trouble for using markers to connect the bumps, which left all kinds of marks all over the walls. I touched the faded marks that where still there over all these years and laughed. Such fond memories, I thought. I walked over to the shower and pulled open the creaky, glass door. Turning on the water, I looked around the small shower at the tiles that covered the walls. I could still picture the shapes in the tiles that I found in them as a kid. Things like a dog, a horse, or even a ship. I used to pretend the pictures told a story about a prince that got washed up on an island that had many different creatures.

I sighed then stripped off my clothes and climbed into the shower and closed the door. The water was warm and it felt good on my bare skin. I let my mind go blank as I went through the process of shampooing and washing my body. When I was done rinsing off I shut of the water and grabbed the towel that was hanging from the shower door. Wrapping the towel around me, I opened the door and climbed out of the shower. Then I walked over to the mirror, which was over by the bathroom door.

The girl in the mirror was the same girl I have always seen. She had long, curly, red hair, hazel blue eyes, a broad chin, high cheek bones, and soft, pale skin. Staring at my reflection, I saw what appeared to be two small marks on my neck. I pulled back my hair and took a step closer to the mirror to get a better look. I let out a scream when I saw the two small puncture wounds about an inch apart which appeared to have blood oozing from it. Hearing my screams, my mom came running into the room faster than you can say I just got bitten by a vampire.

"Nichole, are you ok?" she cried.

"Yea mom I'm fine" I said as I looked back over at the mirror and saw that the marks and the blood were gone. "I just thought I saw a spider" I lied.

"Oh Nichole" she sighed then she walked out of the room shaking her head as she went.

That is how the haunt of my nightmare began... Everything is not what it seems; so was it only a dream or was it real?

Credited to DashingErwyne17
Originally uploaded on September 7, 2012

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