The Ghost And Molly McGee - Sharon.EXE: Difference between revisions

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Everytime I Watched The Ghost And Molly McGee, It Was Still Just My Morden Childhood Memories. So I Got The VHS Tape And It Was Called "Sharon McGee.EXE". I Put The Tape And Hit Play.
The Intro Was Just…TerribleJust...Terrible! It Had Sharon.EXE Appearing In This! And So Does Molly.EXE, Scratch.EXE, Darryl.EXE, Pete.EXE, Libby.EXE, And Geoff.EXE. Are All Red And Have Soulless Black Eyes And The Audio Was Reversed And Demonic.
After The Intro, The Title Card Shows Up And It Had Sharon.EXE Holding Molly's Corpse And Scratch Was Screaming Just Like In 3 Episodes And Reads "Sharon.EXE".
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After The Title Card, It Randomly Cuts Into The McGee's House And Cut To The McGee's Living Room. Sharon Was Sleeping On A Couch, And But Molly And Scratch Shows Up As Molly Asked Her Mom "Hey, Mom. Did You Just Sleep Early Last Night?". Then Sharon Suddenly Wakes Up And Said "Wait, What? How Did I Just Sleep Early? Am I Lazy?", Scratch Said "Uh..No.". Sharon Then Yawns And Smacks Her Lips And Said "Yeah, I'll Just Walk Outside.". Then Sharon Walks Outside, While Darryl Said "Clever Momma.".
And Then Pete Walks Into Sharon And Said "Honey? Are You..". Sharon Said "Hey! I'm Walking Outside!". And Just Then, Molly, Scratch, Darryl, And Pete Saw Sharon Leaving And They All Upset And Very Depressed That Sharon Is Leaving Without Them As Molly Sniffs And Said "M-Mom? No…MommyNo...Mommy! Don't Leave! No! MMMOOOMMMYYY!!!".
Meanwhile. Sharon Was Walking At The Forest And She Saw Something…ItSomething...It Was EXE! Sharon Encounters EXE As She Said "Wh-Wha-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?". EXE Said "I Am God! And Only Possessing You To Hell!". Sharon Is About To Get Possessed By EXE. Sharon Said "It speaks to something deep in my soul. EXE..". Then Sharon Is Getting Possessed By EXE As She Roars Very Demonic And Loud (And It Hurts My Ears). Then After That, Sharon Turns Into A EXE As She Said "Wh-What Am I? Am I..SHARON.EXE?!!!" Then Sharon.EXE Starts To Laugh Evilly In A Demonic Voice. Sharon.EXE Said "OHOHOHO! I'm Gonna Kill Everyone Of Brighton!".
Sharon.EXE Goes To Brighton. Later, Andrea Is Vlogging As She Said "What's Up Fawndreas! My Names-", But She Gets Shot By Sharon.EXE And She Said "Nobody Gives A CRAP About You!!". Later At Book Marks The Spot, Leah Saying "Wow!" (But In Low Pitched -1) While Reading A Book But Sharon.EXE Busts The Door Open And Said "Leah…Leah....?" But Leah Said "Sh-Sharon?..What Are You-", But Suddenly Sharon.EXE Grabs And Rips Leah's Heart As Leah Lets Out A Blood-Curdling Scream But Then Sharon.EXE Slits Leah's Throat As She Tells Her To "'''SHUT UP!!!'''" In A Loud Demonic Voice.
Later, Nin Tried Calling Sharon But Sharon.EXE Was Behind Her. Nin Said "Sharon! I'm So Glad To See-" But Suddenly Sharon.EXE Strangles Nin And Dies, Sharon.EXE Said To Nin "Never Call Me Just "Sharon"! I'm Sharon.EXE!".
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Meanwhile At The Chen's House, The Emergency Alarm Goes By As The Chens Surprised By This. June Said "Uh, Guys? We Have A Problem!". Ollie, Esther, And Ruben Said "What Is It?". Sharon.EXE Busts The Door And Said "You Guys Missed Me?", The Chen Family Gasped In Horror, Ollie Holds A Plasma Beam As He Said "Hey! What Are You Doing In He-". Sharon.EXE Decapitates Ollie As Ruben, Esther, And June Shouted "OLLIE!!!". Sharon.EXE Said "You're Next!", She Rips June's Heart Out. June Started Crying Hyper-Realistically In Pain As Ruben And Esther Gasped In Horror. Sharon.EXE Decides To Shoot June In Her Head As She Said "'''SHUT UP, YOU CRYBABY!!'''". Ruben And Esther Were Completely Shocked In Horror As Shaon.EXE Stares At Them And She Said "You Wanna Play Again? Then Let's Play!". Ruben Protects Esther As He Said "No More Playing Games, You Demon!", But Sharon.EXE Shoots Ruben In His Stomach As He Said "NO!!", Esther Yelled And Cried "YOU JUST KILLED MY FAMILY!! ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF?!!". Sharon.EXE Shouted "Hell Yes I Am!!". Sharon.EXE Dismembers Esther As She Lets Out A Blood-Curdling Scream And She Died. Sharon.EXE Said To The Chen Family "Have Fun In Hell You Demon Hunters!", She Laughed Hyper-Realistically And Closed The Door.
Meanwhile Back In The McGee's House, Molly Was Crying Hyper-Realistically And Screaming Very Loudly And Sadly (Which It Hurts My Ears As Well) As Darryl, Scratch, And Pete Are Comforting Her As Molly Cries "Where Are You Going, Mommy!". Scratch Said To Molly "Molly? What's The Matter Now?". Molly Whines And Said "I Miss My Mom!!!". But Just Then…SharonThen...Sharon.EXE Bashes The Door And Said "Mommy's Here!". Molly Excitedly Shouted "Mom!", But Sharon.EXE Shoots Scratch In His Chest As He Screams But He Realized That He Was Still A Ghost And He Said "Huh? Am I Still Alive? Well, I'm Outta Here!".
Molly Said "Wait! Scratch Come Back!". Then Sharon.EXE Stabs Pete's Chest As Pete Lets Out A Blood-Curdling Scream. Molly And Darryl Shouted "DAD!". Then They Run Away As Sharon.EXE Chasing Them Behind As She Shouted "Hey! Mama's Gonna Getcha!". Then Later Molly And Darryl Were Straight To The Dead End And Sharon.EXE Shouted "FOUND YOU!!". Sharon.EXE Then Decapitates Darryl As Molly Shouted "NO! DARRYL!!".
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Then Libby Opens The Door And Said "Wh-What Happened In H-Here?". Molly Shouted "LIBBY! LOOK OUT! MOM'S GOT A CHAINSAW!!". Sharon.EXE Shouted "TOO LATE!". Then She Cuts Molly In Half As Libby Shouted "NO!". Then Sharon.EXE Breathes Heavily And Said "I Did It! Mama's Finally Did It! I'M THE SATAN WITHIN MAMA!!!". Then Sharon.EXE Laughs Evilly In Very Demonic And Very Loud (It Still Hurts My Ears), And Then Sharon.EXE Runs Away And Leaves Brighton.
Libby Starts Tearing Up And Whimpers, She Said "What Have She Done? She Killed My Friends And Her Family! WHAT HAS SHE DONE?!!?!!!!" WHY!!!!!". Then Libby Starts Crying Hyper-Realistically. But Then Scratch Comes Back And Saw Libby And Starts Comforting Her And He Said "Libby? You Okay Right Here?". But He Finds Out That Libby Was Holding A Gun As She Said "Now That's No Life…ItLife...It's Just Nothing…Nothing....WITHOUT ME!!". Then Libby Starts Whining While Whimpering.
Before She Can Do Anything, She Shoots Herself As A Result. Scratch Said "What The?! What Happened To Libby?! And…WhereAnd...Where Did Sharon Go?....".
Then It Fades To A Black Screen And It Cuts To Sharon.EXE Holding A Knife While The Wyoming Incident Plays In The Background And Then She Said "You're Next!" In A Demonic Voice. Then It Cuts To The Outro Piece Normally Until It Bursts Into A Static Then The Outro Just Turned Into Horror Version With Logo Became Red And It Was Backwards And The Silhouette Of Scratch Was Evil With Red Eyes With Red Blood Running Out OF His Sockets And Molly And Scratch Said In Backwards "¡!ƎɘӘɔM γ⅃lOm ႧnA tƧoHϱ ƎʜT!¡".In Demonic Voices.
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After That A Disney Television Animation Logo Played But The Audio Has A neodolekciN Audio And Mickey Mouse Was Replaced With Suicide Mouse And The Word "Disney" Was Read Backwards "yensiD" And It Has A Red Text And A Black Background.
Then It Bursts Into Static. Then Just Then…SharonThen...Sharon.EXE Jumpscared Me And She Was Screaming Hyper-Realistically In A Very Demonic Voice (I Think It's From JackNJellify's LiveStream From 2018). Then Its Bursts Into Static Again, Ending The Episode.
I Got Shocked After I Watched This, So I Throw The Tape In The Trash Out Of The Window So No One Will Watch It. Do Not Watch This At 3AM! Or Else You Need Premission! So That's The Story.