The Ghoulish Guerrilla

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After a hard day of fishing, there's nothing I like better than enjoying my second favorite pastime which is destroying lie-berals with facts and logic. I was deftly dismantling one particular demon-crat's worldview when, realizing she was backed into a corner, she began chanting some satanic mumbo-jumbo that she must have learned in college.

Suddenly the Che Guevara picture on her shirt sprang to unholy life! The specter of Che himself now stood before me. It said, "why do you harass my chosen people, imperialist dog?" I drew my fully legal concealed carry weapon and fired repeatedly at the menacing figure, but it continued to confront me. Thinking quickly, I grasped my Holy Bible and held it on high! The infernal entity shrieked and shrank away from its holy power.

"Flee before the might of Jesus!", I cried out. There was a bright flash of light and a bald eagle descended from on high. It flew straight for Che and attacked his smug face with its claws of righteousness. The lie-beral ceased her infernal chant and fled into the night.

As a result of these events, I uncovered a whole underground network of satanic college professors who were corrupting our youth and brought them to justice! But that's a subject for another time.

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